Game pass or buy the MSFS discs/download?

I have played MSFS for decades and finally bought this latest iteration.

I have a nice windows gaming box from IBUYPOWER.

QUESTION: Will i get better performance and graphics from a disk install or playing through GAME PASS?

You can tell i am not sure how this works.

I am on a one dollar trial for a month and cannot play first person shooter games, so MSFS will be my main favorites.

Any ideas?

I can’t comment on any performance differences but do bare in mind that if you buy it on Game Pass and ever decide to leave you’ll lose the game.

Thank you for responding. How do you play this game? Installed right?

It doesn’t matter for performance what way you install the game. Be aware that the disced version requires you to keep a disc in the drive during playing.

You could try it out via gamepass and if it runs OK on your machine you can get it with a discount via gamepass.

I did not know that. How do you play it? Disc or download or thru game pass?

I bought it on digital download for the reason I mentioned above.

NOT disc!

And windows store is a pain to update. And steam comes with the steam software, well… :man_shrugging:t2: Pros and cons everywhere but I tend to recommend the steam version. I‘m sixk of the store.

Performance is the same regardless of how you play. In the end, you play the digital version as the discs only serve as basic installation and licence certification. I do not recommend the physical copy, digital is more convenient and the game requires an online presence either way.

Playing via Game Pass or buying the full game is, again, just two ways to gain licence. Your Game Pass access lasts only as long as you are a Game Pass member, it’s a subscription. If you cancel it, you’ll lose access to the game, until you either re-subscribe or buy the full version. If you plan to fly a lot, and mainly use this one game then I’d recommend buying it whole. Game Pass is better for those who play a lot of games, it’s not really worth keeping for one title.

The digital version of MSFS can be purchased either from the Microsoft Store (Windows Store) or Steam. Which is better for you comes down to personal preference, though.

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After reading countless complaints on the MS-Store I also suggest Steam… and know most Steam users would balk at installing any other software to play games, it’s the one that’s nearly universally accepted.

Download from Steam or MS Store.
Your choice as to which one, both have advantages and disadvantages.
I went MS Store myself and have had no issues.

I would not recommend buying the disc set.
There are quite a few posts in here from folks who have regretted doing so.
You will need internet access anyway to complete and update the installation, and those do require
large downloads.

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Not to mention that the disc version I do believe is version 1, and you’re just going to immediately update to the latest version, so, there’s no point in the disc version.

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How is the performance on XCloud?

Can I use add-ons on the XCloud version?

Marketplace add-ons on xcloud exactly the same as xbox. The great thing about xcloud is you can easily try it out on almost any device for almost no money. Just get the subscription and find out for yourself how it performs. Everyone gets a different experience in performance even with local install so there’s no other way to find out.

The two main downsides of xcloud I see are:

  1. You can only use xbox (or PlayStation) remote and not hotas/mouse. They plan to fix this but in the interim flying anything more complex than the top rudder microlight without hotas and mouse is an exercise in frustration so this is a must fix.
  2. You need to reinstall the add-ons each time because it starts afresh when you connect. This is not too bad if you just want an airport to fly from or to but if you get more addons it becomes a time waster. Not an issue if you don’t spend money in the marketplace.

OP - I think game as reported above plays the same regardless of method. If you buy it from MS Store, then you can back up the whole thing to a separate drive and if you ever have to reinstall it, you have 95% odd percent stored, just delete directory on C, and then move backed up files to the same location, then open game it will then update files needed to make whole. Search for thread on process of where game is stored, and what you have to do, many posts on this.

I personally would not do steam, if in Europe, DVDs are available, and that would be my method personally, because my internet is sooooo slow here, it takes me a week to download the whole game. I suppose, I could copy all the files to a bunch of DVD’s and then just install the files back into the directory but putting on another drive means a faster copy process. DVD in USA should have been option. Personally, I would opt for the highest level of the game as well, unless you are going to stay slow and low and not fly airliners or military jets. That is personal decision. You will find other issues, so before you take the step, read all the forum posts about performance and bugs in program to ensure you are aware of them first. Scenery is Steller, plane performance, ATC, autopilot and FMS systems in those planes which are equipped is marginal, none of the planes fly like their real counterparts, however both Boeing are better now than in beginning. The Icon A5 is a fun little plane to zoom around local area in, but game presently is off my system, in protest of the horrible downloading/install process, got a memory error last SU and did not pay money to become software engineer to fix someone else’s mess.

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Unless you’re a collector and absolutely want the box set, buy a downloadable version.

I would strongly recommend Steam, since it doesn’t require multple different services and apps running. And generally, Steam seems more problem free when it comes to install issues. But your choice really…

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