Game stutters like crazy, is memory the issue?

I am. He misread.

Ik heb hier sinds een maand ook last van. Tijdens het opstijgen en landen gaat het fout. Voorheen ging het prima, dus moet het aan de upgrade liggen.

but the update is only a few days old, or you mean after the SU5 update?

I followed these instructions. FPS did hit like 23. It is smooth, yet still stuttering, even after hitting render scale at 105 and back at 100.

I may need faster memory. My memory IS kind of slow. It’s rated at 2400 MHz. Hwinfo is recording it at 1200MHz (Is that right?) It’s the only thing in my computer that is not up-to-date.

The other things I turn off are HAGS and Game Mode. Hags for me is a stutter inducer

Sometimes Game Mode gets turned back on after a windows update. If I suddenly start to get stutters, I double check it’s off

and one other (if not already tried) is to enable Resizable Bar in your motherboard bios (if your mobo and your CPU supports it) If your video card is older than 6 months , you may need to flash it’s firmware so it supports it. Although msfs is not listed as rebar supported, a few of us notice a small improvement with it on

I’m using Afterburner, game settings mix of high and ultra and RS 100 and not using openxr! Game is running smooth with minor shutters in VR for me.

Core voltage- max
Power limit- max
Temp limit- max
Core clock- 100
Memory clock- 0

5600x, 3080, 32gig @ 3600mhz, G2

After the newest update my experience is stuttering in the beginning, but somehow after a few minutes it is gone and it was a smooth fly. (RTX3070, i5, 32GB and reverbg2, openxr70% render70%)
I also have the rolling cache switched on with 7GB (with RAM disk)

I decided to go and buy some faster RAM. I thought, why not? I bought 32GB 3600MHz at DDR4. I figured out where DOCP (XMP) was in BIOS, set the profile to DOCP, went into Flight Simulator with your settings and OpenXR Dev Tools settings, and the gameplay is smooth as silk with hardly any stuttering! Of course perhaps the graphics can be improved, but at least it’s now where it should be. Thank you very much for your help!

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Orsm! :+1:

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