Garmin 530 flight plan folder

where can I find the 530 FLP folder, to add or remove flight plans

Is this for the PMS version of the 530?

@ GrubbyBrake9480

Its in the main folder of the addon
the flp530 folder

The FP files must follow the correct filename convention
flp1.pln, fpl2,pln ----> flp18.pln

If you have the DATA mode, then the Flight Plans that the PMS50 GNS530 will use will be in the main folder of the pms530_GNS_530_Data addon, (and any flight plans in the main GNS530 mode folder will be ignored)

Note: The WT GNS530 does NOT have such a folder, and cannot itself have saved Flight Plans,

thanks for your input, it is the default GPS folder that I am looking for, the ones in my BlackBox aircraft. Maybe there is a way to use the PMS530_GNS_530 instead?

The Default Asobo GNS530 does not support internal flight plans. PERIOD (neither does the WT GNS530)

I assume by now, the Blackbox planes default to the WT GNS530. So to use the PMS50 GNS530, you will need a PMS50 GNS 530 that replaces the Asobo WT GNS530, or edit the plane to point back to the original Asobo GNS530, and then install the PMS50 GNS530, that will replace that Asobo one

For support to do that, you best bet to ask on the PMS50 GNS530 Discord, BUT – bear in mind that the PMS50 GNS530 is Freeware, and now that there is a WT GNS530, there is only minimal support from PMS50 for his FREEWARE GNS530 GPS Mod.

thanks for you help, much appreciated.

I looked into this a bit further. It looks like, the BlackBox planes that have a GNS530, have not been updated for some time ( ie since late last year), so the are still using the Asobo GNS530,

So if you download and install in your Community Folder, the current FREE pms50 GNS530 mod, then your BlackBox planes will use the pms50 GNS530, and you will have that Flight Plan folder, in the GNS530 Mod.

blackBox with pms50 GNS530a

blackBox with pms50 GNS530b

Download link for latest version of the pms50 FREEWARE GNS530 Mod

Hi thanks for checking on this problem. I had also done some searching and found the same info, I downloaded a patch for pms530 mod, deleted and reinstalled the latest update form BlackBox sim (Sept 2022) now I have a blank F/P catalogue which I didn’t have before. I just have to fiqure out where the folder is to put F/P files in. I will let you know what I find out…

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Sounds good – you are almost there.

There is only one remaining “Problem” –

don’t get too use to the convenience of having Fight Plans stored in your GNS530.

When you start using the WT GNS530, you won’t get that ability anymore – unless someone brings out a MOD for the WT GNS530, to add back in that FP storage screen !!

(Hint - Hint to 3PDs !! )

You are right, I guess I was lazy and didn’t want to input the plan manually, all I really need to do is load the F/P in the sim on start up and it is loaded in the GPS. Most of my flying is in VR and I was trying to do the whole thing in VR mode I can with other aircraft, but I love Britten Norman Islander.
Thanks for all your help, we flightsim guys are lucky to have such a great bunch of people willing to help fellow simmers.

At any time, when you have a FP that you have entered into the sim, (by whatever method), you can exit flying and save that FP, (with appropriate name, to the GNS530 Flight Plan folder), then continue flying. That FP will then be available at any time from then onward, in the FP menu of the GNS530, both in the current flight, and in any future flights or any plane that is using the PMS50 GNS530.

Note: with the GNS530, it is saved with the GNS530.
Flight Plans saved in the PMS50 GTN750, are saved with the plane/livery, so are not shared across all GTN750 equipped planes.

Unfortunately, due to MSFS Limitations, you cannot, in the plane save a FP back to the GTN750 (as you could in RL), but you can like the above, stop flying, save the current FP to a specific file name, and the go back into the plane, and import that FP, and then save it in the GTN750.

Its not as complicated as it may sound-- takes less that 30 seconds to do when you get use to it …