Garmin G1000 NXi Issues and Support

Quick break down on using VNAV in the C172

There are two switches on the TCA Throttle Quadrant that when left in the ON position will drain the battery in prop planes. To avoid this problem you need to have the switches in the OFF position prior to loading the flight. This should eliminate the black screen problem.

I have noticed that occurs if I leave the keyswitch in the START position. When starting the engine, be sure to move it back to BOTH as soon as the engine starts!

For anyone struggling to find the right solution (I was finding it really frustrating!) I’m leaving this here in the hope that it helps someone.

I had the same problem: screens turning off a few minutes into the flight, only with G1000 aircraft, and only when the TCA Throttle Quadrant is connected.

Solution: edit the throttle mapping, and unset the “SET STARTER 1/2/3/4” engine instruments.

To do this:

  1. Open the control options page.
  2. Select the TCA Q-ENG input device
  • you might want to choose or create a custom profile only for these G1000 aircraft so that the following changes don’t adversely affect other aircraft
  1. Find the “SET STARTER” assignments
  2. Click on the white boxes marked “JOYSTICK BUTTON 
  3. Click on “CLEAR CURRENT INPUT” to clear the assignment
  4. Click on “VALIDATE” to confirm you want no assignment


When we get correct engine page view and removed cylinder assit?
This feature is only in Cessnas not all aircraft. NX1000 engine part is as important as the navigational part. And I have the impression that it was treated haphazardly.

Another question, can you use a font similar to the original one used by Garmin?

In DA62 it’s must look like this:

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Is it by design that since the last Nxi update the minimums setting in MFD approach procedures is no longer synched to any minimums value already set by the user in the PFD Tmr/Ref MINS setting, even though changes to minimums in the MFD are reflected back to the PFD?

Hello all
I’m looking for a video tutorial on the G1000 NXi TMR/REF page.
How to use it and what the “GLIDE”, Vr, Vx, Vy stand for and how to use them correctly.
Anyone know such a tutorial or can explain these functions and what is what? :slight_smile:
Kind regards, Oliver

Hi @TheRealOli4D
I’d recommend taking a look at Wikipedia for some basic information (and don’t let all the V speeds confuse you when you start. Look at the basic ones you’re seeing on your screen to begin with.)
But quick recap:
Vr is rotation speed. That is the point when you’re taking off that you’ll pull back on the yoke to initiate the liftoff. Not quite as important with light aircraft, as most of them will want to take off without too much (or any!) rotation.
G (or glide on the popout window. Sometimes shown as Vbg), is the best glide speed (e.g. if your engine fails). It will give you the most distance if you need to try and reach something that’s not right below you.
Vx is the best angle of climb. In general, the speed when at full throttle that lets you gain the most altitude for a given Distance. For example, trying to clear that 50’ tree right off the end of the runway.
Vy is the best rate of climb. Full throttle climb speed that gives you the best altitude gain for a given amount of Time. So you’ll cover more distance than you would flying at Vx, but you’ll gain more altitude over a given period of time. So it’s great for climbing while in cruise flight or after takeoff if you don’t need to clear an obstacle.
Let me know if you want some more info. There are lots of resources out there to start getting familiar with aviation terms.

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Engine gauges are part of the aircraft package’s panel.xml, and are not contained in the NXi code. The NXi just runs whatever engine gauge definitions are defined by the aircraft. The responsibility for gauges lies with the aircraft developer.

No, because that is not the font currently used on the real world NXi generation units. This is the current DA62 software load EIS layout and styling:


Is it just me, or can you not add new user waypoints to the WT G1000NXi yet?

The ‘New WPT’ soft button is greyed out here.

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Hello :wave: :wave: :wave:

Is this the right place to get answers regarding Garmin G1000 NXi Issues and Support?

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When I try to dial-in TAPA I get the following

This happens with other Fixes or airports that may have the part of an NDB or VOR.

How do I get aroudn this issue, or what feature exist to deal with this that I don’t know about?

Yes. See @Bishop398 post at the start of this thread.

OK good, maybe third time lucky then.

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Please don’t repost questions multiple times in this topic. If we or someone else have the answer we’ll provide it, but I haven’t personally looked into this issue or how the behavior differs or doesn’t differ from the real unit yet.

User waypoint are not yet implemented on the NXi, but are planned for a future update.

Thanks for the reply. I reposted simply because the question remained unanswered for several days and was moving up the list of old posts and would likely be missed as there was no sign of a reply and later posts had been answered. I would have been satisfied with an answer of we don’t know and will look into it.

I understand the frustration of not getting an answer right away, but do understand that if everyone bumps their questions all the time then topics become very noisy and difficult to follow.

We certainly do always watch these threads and respond when we’re able to or have the answer on hand.

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Immediate acknowledgement was definitely not expected. Original post, deleted before re-posting, was made two weeks ago. Not frustrated, maybe mildly bemused. Sense of humour intact :wink:

Hi everyone,

What is / are the most current guides (or tutorials) for the NXi?

I see a lot of things mentioning changes, but haven’t found a reasonably current “full walkthrough” of the system’s functions and use.
