Garmin G3000/5000 Issues and Support

NZW (S. Weymouth) to KPVC. KPVC is stock airport. I launched VFR, no plan. Typed in ORG-DEST by hand into the FMS.

Cirrus Vision Jet 1.2.2

FMS was optimistic and auto-switched me to LOC just past the IAF. Per Little Nav Map, I wasn’t even inside the ILS Feather yet:

and good Glide Slope Capture:

Daher TBM AAU1 (no additional mods)

Double-checked while still on GPS Guidance, radio is indeed auto-tuned to ILS 07 Frequency 111.10:

Good Localizer Capture:

Good GS Capture:

I don’t doubt there are some exceptions. They may have to do with airport navdata, especially at third-party airports who may not have had the latest SDK changes applied with regard to certain navdata being lost or suppressed.

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