GARMIN GNS430 problem

Since the recent Asobo update the GNS430 Com/Vloc button fails to switch from COM to VLOC. I first noticed this with the DC-6 so I tried it in a Cessna, same problem. If I’m prepared to spend 15 to 20 mins just clicking the button then on a rare occasion it does switch. Really unaceptable. Anyone else have this problem or a solution?

One point to note on the DC-6 is that the auto pref-flight check stops when checking the radios until I stop the vol button from rotating, then the checks get completed. (I have updated PMDG DC-6). This has only become a problem since Asobo’s update.


I’m having issues with the GNS530 and 430 units in the just flight Arrow and Warrior. Cant get them to respond to anything. I’ve gone through uninstalling and reinstalling the aircraft, but they are just stuck on the frequncy spacing screen.

I’m waiting to see if anything changes with the hot fix later, but otherwise I will try a complete clean install this weekend as a last ditch attempt at a fix. I did have a number of CTDs during the update process (day and a half it took me to get it updated) so i’m concerned something might have got mucked up because of that.

I dont have the DC-6 so cant confirm if my issues are linked to yours, but i’m assuming both use the same GNS code in the sim.

This button here?
Mine seems to be fine, 530 and 430 both are responding.

Nothing missing in the content manager?

There was an update to the mod that fixes the screen stuck issue (not the button rotating to infinity issue). Download from their GitHub: GitHub - pimarc/pms50-gns530: Flight simulator 2020 GNS530 Mod.

It still does a weird thing for me in the DC-6 flying IFR. When I activate the approach (or confirm that it is selected, OR when I make sure the arrival is correctly chosen, ATC Assistant Requests Destination Change EVERY TIME! Not sure if that’s a bug with it, the default GNS430, or the ATC Assistant.

I submitted ticket to ZenDesk as a bug with the GNS430, and reported the issue to the mod’s GitHub.

Thanks for your replies. I’ve downloaded the mod, how do you install it in the DC-6?

You just install the mod into your Community folder like any other mod. It automatically changes all GNS430s (including the PMDG DC-6). Make sure you read the use instructions - it’s a bit different but it does avoid the circle back issue if used properly.

You are running an old version of PMS50’s GNS530 mod. Redownload 0.1.36

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You’re absolutely right, I had forgotten I had that mod live. Thanks for the solution, you’ve just saved me a whole heap of time :slight_smile:

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I’m having this same issue with the Com/Vloc button on the GNS530/430. So I removed the PMS50’s GNS530 mod from the community folder and reverted back to the Microsoft default version of the GNS530/430 GPS in MSFS2020 Version Unfortunately, that did not fix the problem, so it must have something to do with the recent update.

Having exactly the same problem.
With or without the the PMS530 MOD no difference, totally ruins the experience for me in aircraft equipped with these Garmin’s

Since SU5 there is a problem switching COM/NAV. To solve the issue for PA28, go to accesibility settings and change control from locked to legacy / classic (in German from “gesperrt” to “klassisch”).

I’m having the same problem with DC-6. PMDG told me I was the only one reporting! Anyone find a way to fix it?

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