GeForce RTX 30xx

What’s up guys?
In a few hours we should probably see if we get to get those lovely 4K 60fps that we know from the trailers :rofl:

Seriously though, I’m happy that for the first time in my simming career one of the platforms that I use will be probably in the benchmark tests. That way At least I‘ll know what 2.3 grand will get me. :grimacing:

…or won’t.


I’m waiting to see how bad the prices are in Australia (RTX3090)

I’ve been trying to push 4K through a GTX1080 for a couple of years with not a whole lot of fun.

Already bought a 10900K (although I’m not sure when it’ll ship!)

Here’s hoping DX12 Support isn’t too far away either to really take advantage of the new hardware.


Also I already got the 10900K and now waiting to see tomorrow if the 4K 60 FPS dream will become true! :slight_smile:


Keeping my fingers crossed that my 2080ti will last a few more years :sweat_smile: but if the 3090 looks to beat it by 40 percent as leaked…well my poor CC might get a bashing lol


I’d be happy to keep it capped at 30FPS on Ultra - It’s more just a case of never really feeling like I’ve been able to have high enough settings to really take advantage of the 4K since I got the larger monitor.

The big spend on this is also getting ready for when the Study level Aircraft start coming out, because I know they can be quite intensive with the detail they pack in.


Most of the “experts” are saying the 30xx are probably going to be around the same price as the 20xx - if this is indeed the case then I’m stoked… the “boss” authorised £1200 for a 2080ti yesterday but I’ll hold off now until we see what they are retailing at. Hoping so…!


Yup. With the defaults already bringing systems to their knees, one might only guess what impact the ng3 will have🙄


I have faith in PMDG to produce a very optimised model, and continue to make it as efficient and realistic as they can, providing the SDK allows them to.

As I’ve said on another thread, Once MSFS goes into DX12, This will be a whole new ball game and I feel that the higher amount of VRAM will be (somewhat) worth the extra money.

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Excited for the 3080TI! We might actually be able to move the sim at ultra 60fps (in 1080p though) xD
JK I might upgrade my RTX2070 if the price is reasonable

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The RTX 3090 will not be cheap! :sweat_smile:


Any idea when they’re planning to bring DX12 support? I’ll be honest and say I hadn’t realised they weren’t already using DX12!


3090 be a few hundred more than a 2080Ti.

The 3080 will be same price, but still 30-40% higher performance than the 2080Ti, at least for RTX/DLSS titles.

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You all might wanna check your PSUs :smiley:


Bought an 850 Watt with my new build.


It’s longer term. DX12 is much more GPU RAM oriented (P3D V5 uses DX12)

There’s a bit more to it than that, I think the API’s give more access to higher level hardware control.

There’s be others here who understand it better.

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From what I’ve seen 3090 is going to draw a lot of power and they’ve already said that they are increasing the power connectors to 12 from 8, so yes that may well impact a lot of power supplies. Obviously modular will be a minimum requirement. My 2080 super is drawing about 250W on FS2020, so I’d assume 3090 will be more than this

I read the 3080 will be around 30% extra performance than a 2080 Ti and a 3090 up to 90% extra.

Hate to break it to you, but at 1080p you’re more than likely CPU bottlenecked so no new shiny GPU is going to get you to 60fps.

The low framerates and horrific stutters people are seeing is down to a poorly optimized engine doing too much on the main threads and not parallelizing work (live air traffic anyone?). Anyone hoping that moving to DX12 is going to be a magic cure-all is going to be sadly disappointed too.


Most high end Turing cards are 16 pins; dual pcie 8 pin connectors. The 3090 will be a new single 12 pin on the FE card and some AIB, or 3x pcie 8 pins for a total of 24 on other AIB.

Minimum recommended PSU is 850W, if you’re planning on running it at factory speeds.

The 3090 will draw up to 390W on some factory OC AIB cards.

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With a 2080 ti i have already 60fps 4k…so no interest for me