GeForce RTX 4090 and 4080 Laptops are available on February 9th

See the chart below.

Is that also true without dlss? I can’t see why anyone would use dlss because of blurry instruments.

I’m more concerned about the heat of newer laptops CPUs.

my i7-10875H in my MSI GP75 leopard must be undervolt(-0.125v) + underclocked to 3.7ghz (from 4.3ghz) to get not more than 95C (with repaste once per 2 months)

my 2070ti is limited by the CPU anyway

If you are that concerned about temperatures, gaming laptops aren’t for you. They are made to run hot and have the best performance possible.

Maybe you should build a desktop setup. They run colder and perform even better than the gaming laptops.

Im not asking if i should have a laptop or not :slight_smile:

A desktop is not suitable in my situation

And I’m not saying you can’t have one.

Just saying you can’t have performance + portability and still have lower temps. The new gaming laptops will run hot and people need to understand that’s how it is meant to be.

When im paying 3000$+ for a product, i dont have to lower its perf and play in the BIOS for hours to just not reach boiling temp. :slight_smile:

New laptops had a tendency of beeing very thin, was wondering if the new ones were a bit thicker

What was happening with your laptop that you needed to change settings? I have a Dell G15 with the 11800H and it runs at the intended clock at 100 degrees Celsius. I’m not losing performance, but I have to accept gaming laptops are hot.

My first gaming laptop was purchased in 2008, it was an HP. They were already hot back then.

My point is, running cold is the one feature gaming laptops don’t have. One of the reasons I prefer desktops, but I also have laptops because I need mobility.