Generator keep switching Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX

Dont know if this is a bug but this switch is keep switching on his own. During flight the battery’s get drained. Can someone enlighten me?

Your 3 second video has me confused. It looks like you are moving the switch. From the training material for the airplane, the switch is spring loaded to the center position, meaning it ONLY moves out of center when you physically touch it.

Regarding the Battery drain…are you in the career mode and perhaps not keeping up with your airplane’s maintenance? I do not play with the career mode.

Your issue sent me down the rabbit hole trying to sort out what might be happening. Without knowing how it’s happening, I suspect that while you’re trying to access the EFB, your mouse cursor moves near the Generator switch, moving the switch momentarily to the TRIP position.

I checked the Settings > Systems > Electrical for the Caravan to find there are no keybinding options for Generator Trip or Generator Reset. There are no items named Generator “something or other.” Meaning you’re not accidentally typing a command to trip the Generator.

You can check to see if this is a case of “operator error.” Before you look over to use the EFB, check the Annunciator Alerts on the right side of the PFD (the ANNUNCIATION WINDOW to the right of the altitude scale) and look for an amber GENERATOR OFF message. Also look for this message after you used the EFB, because the Generator switch is spring loaded to ON. If you see the GENERATOR OFF message after using the EFB…you’ve solved your problem.

Thinking about your Battery draw, look at these POH pages for Generator Failure (which is what you have if you trip the Generator offline).

See that I highlighted step 3b. GENERATOR Switch…RESET (momentarily forward).

That will probably solve your problem. If not, then in a nod to whatever degree of RL you’re simulating, reduce the electrical load by turning off lights, fans, radar, heat… see the remainder of the EP (emergency procedure).

FWIW, in a very short free flight test I could not duplicate your problem on my PC, nor have I ever noticed a GENERATOR OFF, CAS message. I never use the EFB, I use Navigraph on my iPad.

Fly Safe…

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Thank you. I am in careermode and om beta su1. After starting the enige switch start to flip automatically . The switch is flipping te
He entire flight without any input. Had to shorten the video because it was to big to upload. I thought maybe it was an binding but nothing in the control schemes.

I uploaded a video. I am on beta su1 so maybe its a bug. I reported it

That mo’debly be weird. Is that with a full “throw all the switches” manual start or do you use the auto-start keybinding? Is it part of the Before Takeoff checklist, checking the Standby Power system? [I don’t use the checklists in game. Don’t know if they can be completed autonomously.]

Perhaps I don’t see it because I spawn at the runway threshold. I avoid C&D
ground ops, what I refer to as “practice bleeding.”

I use autostart. Its the only aircraft who has this problem. Also when skipping starrup, taxi etc the problem is there. There are no commands for the generator right? Appreciated your time to help me.

Going to opt out the beta to see if it helps