Generic scripted ATC for a bushflight? Transcript source?

I am creating a bushflight on the east coast of Australia. I’d like to have some generic ATC communication play out at the various airports, but I don’t want them to be completely wrong either. These are small non-tower or regional airports mostly and it is a VFR flight. Does anyone have a transcript resource where I could grab some departure and arrival scripts and modify for my own use? I’ll use AI voices to fill in the roles of ATIS, CT, Ground and pilot.

So some might be more than you would get at that airfield, and some less. But the words should at least make sense. For people who fly vatsim or the like, who would be annoyed with them not being correct, I am looking for a way to disable these once the flight is loaded in. But for casual flyers like myself I feel it adds just a touch of immersion.


So a non towered arrival could be just:

[Airport] traffic, [Myflight] 10 miles [direction], [altitude], inbound, [time estimate], [Airport] traffic.

Seems so. Similar protocol to US as explained here: non towered airport - What are the proper radio call-outs on uncontrolled airfields? - Aviation Stack Exchange but there are some differences as the pdf explains.

Seems fairly straightforward when you hit the 10nm radius state intentions as per the protocol. Keep it up to date, but don’t be too chatty as the video mentions.
Would also depend on what’s around, eg: parachute operations etc.
That could be interesting to throw in, transiting around drop zones etc, listening in for their calls.

Yeah. This need to be as generic as I can make it without it being just plain wrong. So I need two short scripts (towered and non towered) that I can modify for each leg of the trip.

For departing a non towered airfield I could maybe use this:

AWOS: [Airport]. Automated Weather Observation. 1200 Zulu. Weather: Wind [direction] @ [speed]. Visibility missing. Temperature [degrees] Celsius. Altimeter [Airport elevation].

[MyFlight]: [Airport] Traffic. [Myflight] taking off runway X or Y, departing [direction]. [Airport].

Here is what I came up with for a towered airfield:


ATIS: “[Airport], ATIS information Uniform. [Time] Zulu. Wind calm. Sky condition: clear. Temperature [T]. Altimeter [A]. Arriving and Departing runways X, Y. Visual approaches in use. Read back all runway assignments and hold short instructions. Advise on initial contact you have information Uniform.”

tunes to [Airport] Ground

[MyFlight]: “[Airport] Ground. [MyFlight] is at [Location]. Request taxi for VFR departure to the [direction] with information Uniform.”

Ground: “[MyFlight]. [Airport] Ground. Thank You. Runway X or Y. Taxi via [taxiway].”

[MyFlight]: “Runway X or Y via [taxiway]. [MyFlight].”

taxis to runway X or Y hold short and tunes to [Airport] Tower

[MyFlight]: [Airport] Tower. [MyFlight] holding short of runway X or Y ready for VFR departure to the [direction].”

Tower: “[MyFlight]. [Airport] Tower. [Direction] departure is approved. Runway X or Y cleared for takeoff.”

[MyFlight]: “[Direction] departure approved. Runway X or Y cleared for takeoff, [MyFlight].”


ATIS: [Airport] information Foxtrot [time] Zulu. Observation: winds [direction] at [knots]. Visibility better than 5 miles. Sky clear. Temperature [T]. Altimeter [A]. Visual approaches in use, landing and departing runways X and Y. All aircraft read back hold short instructions. Advise on initial contact you have information Foxtrot.

tunes to [Airport] Tower frequency

[MyFlight]: [Airport] Tower, [MyFlight] is [distance and direction] descending through [altitude] inbound to land with information Foxtrot.

Tower: [MyFlight] [Airport] Tower, enter downwind runway X or Y.

[MyFlight]: Enter downwind runway X or Y. [MyFlight].

upon entering downwind X or Y

Tower: [MyFlight] Runway X or Y cleared to land.

[MyFlight]: Runway X or Y cleared to land. [MyFlight].

The Aussie format is a little different from the US. Actually it’s the US that’s is different to everywhere. Australia follows the ICAO format, in use around most of the world (a particular gripe with Flight Sim since its inception and at least FS4).

ATIS: "[Airport] terminal information Uniform. Runway xx. Surface wind 050 degrees, 7 knots (gust 12 knots, max crosswind 7 knots). Cloud scattered 3000’, broken 4500’, visibility greater than 10km, temperature 15, QNH 1013. (Departure frequency 123.0). On first contact with [airport], advise receipt of Uniform.

Aussie airports are a little different. Some require permission to start, and permission to taxi. Some don’t require permission to start, and only need permission to exit the apron area, and some require a taxi clearance to move (if you’re in a larger aircraft at a gate for example).

% Call by ATC
$ Call by you

$ “[Airport] clearance delivery, Cessna ABC, at the GA apron ,for [destination], request ATC clearance.”

% “ABC, cleared to [destination], climb 7000’, squawk 1234”

$ “Cleared to [destination], 7000, squawk 1234, ABC”

$ “[Airport] ABC, received Uniform, request taxi”

% “ABC, taxi from the GA apron via A, H, holding point B runway xx”

$ “Taxi from the GA apron via A, H, holding point B runway xx, ABC”

Takeoff: Usually on tower frequency. We normally don’t get handed off to tower (or ground on exiting) in Australia.
$ “[Airport] tower, ABC, ready”
% “ABC, (airborne contact approach), cleared for takeoff”
$ “Cleared for takeoff, ABC”

Approach (often used for departure frequency, and named approach.)
$ “[Airport] approach, ABC passing 500, on climb 7000”

% “ABC, climb 7000, resume own navigation track direct xxx”

$ “Climb 7000, resume own navigation direct xxx, ABC”

Leaving CTA:
% “ABC, position 15nm to the north east, control services terminated, squawk 1200, and contact Brisbane/Melbourne centre on 130.0 (or frequency change approved)”


% “ABC, cleared to leave controlled airspace on descent, squawk 1200, contact Brisbane/Melbourne centre on 130.0”
$ “(Cleared to leave controlled area on descent), Squawk 1200, 130.0, ABC”

Entering CTA:
$ “[Airport] approach, ABC, Cessna 172, 30nm to the north east, inbound, maintain 7000, received Uniform, request clearance.”

% “ABC squawk 3456, remain outside controlled airspace”

$ “Squawk 3456, remain outside controlled airspace, ABC”

% “ABC identified, cleared to enter controlled airspace, track direct to [waypoint/feature], maintain 7000”

$ “Track direct to [waypoint/feature], maintain 7000, ABC”

% “ABC, from [waypoint/feature], cleared visual approach, join left/right base runway xx.”

$ “From [waypoint/feature]. cleared visual approach, join left/right base runway xx, ABC”

% “ABC contact tower 120.5”
$ “120.5, ABC”

$ “[Airport] tower, ABC”
% “ABC”

% “ABC cleared to land”
$ “Cleared to land, ABC”

$ “Ground ABC for the GA apron (Gate xx)”
% “ABC taxi to the GA apron (Gate xx)”
$ “Taxi to the GA apron (Gate xx), ABC”

For non-controlled airports you’d just be making calls. Other aircraft may respond with their position and intentions. The first call in 10 minutes may prompt an automated readback (but many airports don’t have this):
“Beep. [Airport] CTAF 126.7”
Subsequent calls will just beep.

AWIS: “[Airport] automatic weather information service: Wind, 050 degrees, 7 knots. Cloud, scattered 3000’, broken 4500’. Visibility greater than 10km, temperature 15 (dew point 13), QNH 1013 Hectopascals.”

Taxi Call outside controlled airspace:
“[Airport], ABC, Cessna 172 taxis [airport] runway xx for departure to the west/[to airport]. [Airport] traffic.”

“[Airport] traffic, ABC backtracking runway xx, [airport]”

Line up & takeoff:
“[Airport] traffic, ABC, rolling runway xx for departure to the west. [Airport]”

“[Airport] traffic, ABC, departed (upwind/downwind/overhead), tracking [direction] (for destination), on climb 7000’, ABC.”

“[Airport] traffic, ABC, 10 miles north east, 7000’, inbound, estimate circuit area time 05, [airport] traffic.”

“[Airport] traffic, ABC overhead, (descending to join/joining) crosswind, runway xx, [airport]”
“[Airport] traffic, ABC downwind runway xx, [Airport]”
“[Airport] traffic, ABC base runway xx, [Airport]”
“[Airport] traffic, ABC final runway xx, full stop/touch and go, [Airport]”

“[Airport] traffic, ABC clear of runway xx, [Airport]”

If a SARwatch was lodged: (May be on HF or VHF (if within range)), or you might need to call them.
“Brisbane centre, ABC landed [airport], cancel SAR”
“ABC SARwatch terminated”

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That was a very comprehensive answer. And as a non pilot a bit overwhelming. Would the following script for approach/landing at Mackay be cringe? I am assuming that runway 14 is the one I’ll land at. Preset will be calm and clear so wind is not really an issue.

ATIS: Mackay terminal information Foxtrot. Observation: winds 100 at 4. Visibility better than 5 miles. Sky clear. Temperature 25. Altimeter 19. Visual approaches in use, landing and departing runways 14 and 32. All aircraft read back hold short instructions. Advise on initial contact you have information Foxtrot.

tunes to Mackay Tower frequency

TBM 228: Mackay Tower, TBM 228 is 10 and northeast descending through 4500 inbound to land with information Foxtrot.

Tower: TBM 228 Mackay Tower, enter downwind runway 14.

TBM 228: Enter downwind runway 14. TBM 228.

upon entering downwind 14

Tower: TBM 228. Runway 14 cleared to land.

TBM 228: Runway 14 cleared to land. TBM 228.

on ground

TBM 228: Ground, 228 for the GA apron.

Ground/CT: 228 taxi to the GA apron.

TBM 228: Taxi to the GA apron, 228.

I’ve just made some small corrections to make it more realistic:
We use kilometres for visibility in Aus.
Actually if the sky is clear, and the visibility is greater than 10 kilometres, we use the definition ‘CAVOK’. Ceiling and Visibility OK.
Australian aircraft registrations are generally 3 letters. So VH-ABC would be ABC. They’ve only just (a few months ago) accepted some numbers in a registration, but usually only one. So TBM 228 wouldn’t really be a valid callsign, and if you were there with a US callsign, you’d be saying the entire registration. you might have VH-TBM as your registration though!

ATIS: Mackay terminal information Foxtrot. Winds 100 degrees, 4 knots. CAVOK. Temperature 25. Altimeter 1019. Visual runway 14 and 32. Advise on initial contact you have information Foxtrot.

tunes to Mackay Tower frequency

VH-TBM: Mackay Tower, TBM is 10 miles northeast descending through 4500, inbound, received Foxtrot.

Tower: TBM Mackay Tower, cleared visual approach runway 14. Report downwind.

VH-TBM: Cleared visual approach runway 14, TBM.

upon entering downwind 14

VH-TBM: TBM Downwind runway 14.

Tower: TBM. Runway 14 cleared to land.

VH-TBM: Cleared to land, runway 14, TBM.

on ground

VH-TBM: Ground, TBM for the GA apron.

Ground/CT: TBM taxi to the GA apron.

VH-TBM: Taxi to the GA apron, TBM.

Apologies for being pedantic, but correct ICAO phraseology is something I insist on if we’re doing mods, as we’ve been let down with US centric stuff for far too long.

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Thanks @Parorng ! I live in Norway, but having lived for extended periods in both Brisbane and Melbourne I can feel your pain :wink:

Maybe I’ll use my imagined Norwegian registration then. LN-GRO?

For CAVOC. Is that spelled out or read as cavoc (intonation as havoc)?


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