Get ATC clearance to cross runway after holding short

In the real world, when you taxi at a towered airport and need to cross runways, most of the time you have to hold short and get cleared before you may cross a runway. It would be nice if this can be added as a feature to the fs2020 ATC system.

In the sim it’s the other way around: you’re cleared by ground to cross runways but it will call you to hold short if there’s traffic.
It’s different than in most real world airports, but at least ATC wouldn’t let you incurse a runway with a departure or arrival on it :slight_smile:

ATC will also tell you to hold position when they warn you of nearby traffic on the taxiway…which is usually a forklift, or bus. :wink:


I’m not a pilot but I do know that pilots always need to stop at any dotted line that separates the taxiway from any runways and request permission to enter that area.

It would be great if this could be reflected in FS.

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Hi Tewana

To be honest with you All the ATC need to be reviews but I agree with you. It can be really interested.



I’ve been told to hold for a runway by the ATC, and I’ve been cleared to cross right from the get go. Both have occurred for me.

It depends on if the runway you need to cross is in use.
I believe (but I’m not an expert) real world ATC will also give crossing clearance across inactive runways ahead of time. If it’s an active runway, or a maybe a long taxi (in case of emergency landings) they will tell you to hold before getting crossing clearance.

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Agreed this would be a nice feature


When taxing and approaching a runway hold short line, can we have the option to switch to tower to request permission to cross a runway?

a good ATC should grant you that without having to ask!

I’m almost always given clearance to cross any applicable runways with my taxi clearance. On several occasions I have been given a hold instruction for aircraft on final, and then a continue taxi direction after the runway is clear.

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FAA rules state you can’t be given “Taxi To” instructions.

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The thing is, the FAA isn’t world-wide.


If only Microsoft realised that!