Get rid of trees above tree line on UK mountains

When I was using FSX I bought an upgrade for the U.K from a supplier of hand crafted scenery.
I was most disappointed when I found that the mountains of the Lake District had trees and houses on them. Needless to say I never bought any more hand crafted scenery from them.
What a disappointment when I got MSFS2020 to find a similar situation.
Please correct this abomination and then I can continue to buy more addition to my sim.

The scenery that you’re talking about is AI generated from aerial images. I know what you mean, but it’s very difficult for the AI to differentiate between scrub or bushes and trees, so it sticks trees in their place. It’s not as bad in some of the Scottish mountains though. I guess it’s something that will get better over time.

Trees to medium can help … don’t bother with low, it’s horrible

I have the Bijan Habashi 4 Season Pack and it greatly improves trees in the UK. Top developer who is constantly updating. I’m sure he also includes or is currently working on a fix for the trees showing above the UK tree line and for the whole world for that matter. The guy’s doing a great job. Check out this thread for more info:


Thanks to you all for your response, your input is appreciated and your ideas I will try.
As anybody used SDK to remove selected trees by editing the scenery, this will be my next step when I get the time.

Yes. I’ve used exclusions before to remove trees from city areas etc, so the same should apply to the Lake District :+1:

Sorry but if Orbx can use software to work out where trees should or should not be in their True Earth series for UK mountains so should the state of the art AI system from Black Shark.

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Orbx true Earth is an average rendition of one country. Blackshark is global, it does a very good job considering all the nuances of our little blue planet, but it will get better.


Surely there must be some kind of variable limit within the sim for the maximum altitude at which trees are rendered in a specified area? I believe the timberline is dictated by temperature and humidity in the real world, here in Scotland trees grow up to about 2000ft, but that would not work as a global limit in the sim!

I have trees set to medium, which works unless you are down near the tops, it’s disappointing to see them growing on the top of some of our highest hills and something I thought would be a relic of FSX.

However for the most part I think the default scenery is amazing and the best part of the whole simulator.

You’d have thought this would be a variable you could feed into the AI, but alas not yet. At the moment this seems to be photo based only. The banks of the river Tyne here in Newcastle are tree lined!

Here is the logic behind removing trees
If the area is UK and the height above sea level is > 1600 feet then NO TREES

I bought the 4 seasons pack on your recommendation. Thank you
Certainly an improvement but needs improving found areas that have no scenery at all after installing.
I will pass this on to Bijan Habashi soon when I work out the co-ordinates.
I will keep using the pack and I am looking forward to the updates.
Certainly recommend to others.

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Voted. I understand your frustration. It seems a simple logical solution but translating over to the code it seems, well… not so straight forward. Another tree ‘glitch’ is seeing them sprouting out of sheer cliffs along the coastlines. I reported that one a very long time ago, but alas…

It may well be global, it doesnt change the fact that the AI should be able to do what the AI that Orbx uses can do in terms of recognising what is or isnt a tree on mountainous terrain. In fact I would go further and say it should be able to work out the difference between pine and deciduous too because that’s what they imply they can do in their publicity video, they specifically mention biomes as something the AI can recognise.

That’s not what BlackShark does to be fair to them. Microsoft should be able to do that post the Blackshark work. Orbx are manually doing it in much the same way that you or I would do, which is relatively easy if you are familiar with the area, albeit time consuming.
Either way, it sounds like these season packs help, so I’m going to give those a try :+1:

Not a chance did Orbx place trees across the whole of the united kingdom manually, its impossible to do it that way, I know from experience how time consuming it is to do a single tile let alone the number involved for the whole of the UK. Some sort of automation was almost certainly used.

Yes I think the season pack includes fixes for the mountains too.

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This is being addressed and updated by this weekend along with major update in the whole UK with Gorse and Heather flowers and Pine plantations and elevation fix.


That sounds really good.

After starting this topic I updated Bijan studios 4 seasons at Christmas.
What Bijan studios have created is exceptional and I can now certainly recommend to you all.
The update has changed the pleasure I get from using my simulator.
This is money well spent.
Well done Bijan

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