Ghost in the machine II

Anyone else getting a ghost turning on and off buttons before or during flights. My AI pilot is off. If I do not start turning anything on from cold and dark within a few minutes a ghost starts turning things on. While flying the ghost starts turning lights off and this is so bad at night and also when trying to land and it turns my diplays off.

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I’ve had this happen to me on several occasions. Was it in a specific aircraft? For me I’ve experienced it in the C208 and B350.

There is a thread somewhere here about turning off a bunch of other game features, and then your avionics will work correctly… I think that is a ludicrous thing to have to do, but I am generally alone here in my opinions.

Yes i shut down the Mooney and it turned the battery switch on after a while. When i came back i saw it shutdown because the battery was empty. It does this all the time. I saw it happen with the C172 too so it must be a sim issue.

There have been a few threads about this, including one large one with a link to a Reddit post where the poster seems to have figured out the issue.

TLDR: it would appear that inputs from other planes in the area are getting mixed in with yours. As they do stuff, the actions happen on the instance of your plane. A temporary workaround (until they patch the issue) that seems to work is to disable multiplayer and AI planes.

Not sure if this will work for you or not. I had the issue after installing the latest patch. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and that fixed it for me. Haven’t had it since.

I think this is the thread the above folks are talking about that has helped a lot of folks resolve these issues.

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Thanks I may try it soon. I am sorry I forgot to mention this is with Airliners and jets. The GA guys should not any be in the forum because most of their aircraft and flying is working. I am an Airliner Sim pilot and will continue to wait for third party Airliners to hit the sim.

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