GKS Mig-21Bis

Tell me it’s a Mig 25 ?? :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Thank you for the patch status. As an other user said, this does look like a MiG cockpit, and seems to closer to MiG-25ish. That would be quite fascinating.


The Mig25 is my absolute favorite Russian aircraft. Of course, it’s mostly visual appeal, but I love the “beast” outlook this plane has. Somehow, it impresses me way more than the Mig31. Not sure how to explain it.
I’m really looking forward to it, hoping to feel the same amount of “challenge” that I get from the Mig21.


I was hoping for a MiG-23, but while this cockpit looks similar, it’s not identical.

Foxbat would be amazing :star_struck:

looking forward to the update. can you please do an update of the croatian livery, the lower part of the plane is not blue but gray like the upper part. thanks

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Awesome! This is being built fully native to MSFS2020? I’m so excited for a MiG-25! I hope you consider a Mig-29, or SU-25 next!

Is that a MiG-25 I spy? :eyes:

Have you guys considered making a public community discord server for GKS? Most flightsim devs seem to operate them now for teasers and updates and it would be nice to be able to get yours on the same platform as well.

another week . no mig 21 update

Apologies for the delay, the release of the MiG-21 update is our top priority at the moment. We’ve decided to include fixes related to the afterburner logic and overall the engine performance at different altitudes in to the update. It’s been quite a challenging task that has encountered several new issues. We hope to resubmit the update for retesting at MicrosoftMP next week.


No problems, please take your time to do the nice update this plane deserves ! :sunglasses:
(and don’t forget to make the wings payload visible from the VC :wink: )

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No worries! Take your time and make it as good as can be!

So I feel a bit silly. I’ve been trying to use the feature/button to reset the parachute for more than a year, and it wasn’t working.

A few days ago, I shut down the jet and decided to try again . . . and it worked!

It makes sense, but it didn’t occur to me that the engine needs to be off to reset the parachute.


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Not sure if it’s engine off, or just parking brake ?

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I’ll check tonight.

Edited to add: I haven’t been able to fly much over the past week.

I’m excited to discover this works because I really want to fly, land, reset the 'chute and do it again and again to really get better at flying a pattern and landing.

Being able to stay “in the plane” while refueling and resetting the parachute definitely adds to the immersion.


What’s the latest status of this update? Additionally, while I know the Marketplace process takes a month or two in itself, can those who purchased from other providers like Orbx expect it sooner?

i don t think they sent the update yet . maybe some minor glicthes

Hi all and @Al13X7895

So I finally got to hop in the cockpit and try to reset the parachute.

I’m back to the button not working again on Xbox. :slightly_frowning_face:


still nothing

Hoping for the update soon, but I can be patient. . .