Glass Cockpit off/dark

hi, after takeoff (f.e. Diamond) the glass cockpit turn off and is dark. (no Garmin etc, addon) Thx and a happy 2024

This type of issue is often the result of a mod conflict.
Have you tried with your community folder empty?

re-installed all. Same result. I wonder how all this is supposed to work if the community folder is supposed to be empty. Every add-on etc. is copied there. Strange design, isn’t it?

One more question: I don’t see the switch to turn on the electrical system in the DIAMOND airplane. Where is it? Thank you

That’s not a Diamond though? None of them have the AFCS (Autopilot Module) in that top of dash layout. That looks more like the King Air 350i with Husk’s G1000Nxi Mod.

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It does seem to be the King Air.
This pic shows the switches for it.