Glider Basic Handling (4/7)

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with this 4th mission for Glider : basic handling.
On the first step of this mission, it ask to take 167 kmph, and set the glider to hold it without touching any command.
So i take 167 kmph, and set the glider perfectly, so it fly without anymore action, with the good speed. And nothing more happened. The speed objective is green for minutes, but the second objective never validate.
And i really touch nothing, no action on command since more than 2 minutes, and speed objective always green.

Do i miss something to validate the second one ?

Thanks for yout help. Really frustrating to don’t be able to validate these objectives.

Are you adjusting pitch (elevator) trim within the sim? If not, that is what is wrong. If yes, then try to adjust the pitch trim a little further up or down to see if that works. I think the sim has a predetermined pitch trim adjustment it is looking for. If neither of these things work, it is probably a bug.

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I can second the predetermined setting. It wants you to set it even if it looks like your speed is not going to hit it. I would suggest just trim until you see it checked. Then use the stick as as needed. Seems backwards but that is what I had to do.

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I adjust the trim from a Saitek yoke. I will try te set it only with the mouse, inside the cockpit to see if it work so… Thanks for your idea, i will let you know if it can resolve the issue.

I test all your suggestions, and you were right !
The problem was the objective was looking for a precise trim setting, even if it is a reality a bad trim setting. So, instead of use the stick, then the trim to fix it, i must use the trim to find the trim setting require for the objective, and then, i adjust with the stick.

Absolutely stupid ! And never do that in reality… But it work for the mission.
Thanks for tour help :wink:


Yeah it seems the training sessions are plagued with things like that - being graded on parameters that would never apply to real life.

Is it just people who selected metric? I had to go past 167kph to 185kph - 100 knots - which lit the speed up green, and then trimming it failed to end the test so I trimmed until it went green - wrong trim but the trim they were expecting I guess :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Ditto with the 102kph target which was way faster.

I’ve used both B1/B2 trim adjust and in sim mouse adjust had both boxes light up green and sustained it all the way to the ground and still no advancing. I’m over it and moving on, wasted literally hours, with dozens of attempts… smh

You were right - this is really bad. Just get to the speed with the stick and possibly the air break, then move the trim until the app is happy. For me the trim had to be around +4 for the 167kph and +8 for the 102 kph. Not at all what the glider wants. But that’s how I got through. Weird Msft has not corrected this bug after all these months. Tons of people just be stuck there for a looooong time…

For me the trim had to be around +2 for the 167kph and +4 for the 102 kph

After putting the trim in the “right” position, I have the problem that even with both objectives being green, nothing happens…?

In my case, I had to apply +7 trim (up!) for the 167kph and +13 for the 102kph. Once the trim is set to the desired value then I adjust speed with the stick (which was not supposed to be done!).

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See existing report: Can't get through first Glider training session