Glider Speedbrake Mapping

Hi all,

Would anyone know how to map glider speed brakes to a throttle control- in my case the the thrustmaster tws?

I can’t find speed brakes anywhere in the secondary controls

Thanks for any feedback coming this way

Spoilers rather than speed brake.

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That’s what I thought. So I map to the relevant controller and no response in game. I mapped to continuous spoiler. I guess it’s one of the spoiler options anyhow.

I have this binding for the spoilers:

and this binding for the tow rope release:

This translates to (on the Honeycomb Bravo) bringing the first handle, or throttle number 1 if you will, backwards, to what would be the “idle” position to extend the spoilers. So it moves in the same direction as the handle in the glider.
And the TOGA button on that same handle functions as my tow rope release.
Hope that helps.
BTW I set the spoiler binding up before the new MSFS release as I was using it for the discus 2-c.

Thanks all. I sussed it out. It was simply a matter of taking the reverse check box off. For clarity, when checked, it didn’t function at all, (not in reverse) so I assumed this was the wrong function assignment.

I mention just in case it helps someone else.

Had the same problem with my WinWing hotas. When reverse is checked, it’s working, but the wrong way around: I need to push the throttle forward in order to extend the spoilers.
When reverse is unchecked, it won’t work, the spoiler handle only moves an inch or so.

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I have the same issue with my TM T HOTAS ONE. When I bind throttle control to spoilers axis (speed brakes) it works OK but in reverse, i.e. opposite to cockpit handle, but when I check reverse axis, it stops working.

Anyone found a solution?