
This sim is purpose built for all budding glider pilots out there. We had a glider in FSX. Will be seeing them anytime soon in 2020?


You can use the A320 as a glider since the new update…When the engines cut out!

Sorry I couldn’t resist. Yes, gliders would be very cool.


yea love to see some gliders and we would not have engine issues :grin:

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Would love to see some gliders.

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Gliders and Helicopters are coming in future releases.

What is the future? 2 months? half a year? 1 year? 3 years?

Helicopters and gliders should have been provided at issue. There is no news about their development …

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Because wind and updrafts have not been created correctly yet


As a glider pilot who started gliding in 1980, unfortunately I have have not been aware of the prescience of thermals. I would have seen the effect of thermals under my wings while flying an ultra-light or a small Cessna and seen the effect on my ASI. I have tried to create ‘wave’ lift over mountains and I had no luck using the built in weather settings. Unfortunately, I do not see cloud streets either. Like you I hope for more, there is one glider that I know of that is being developed. Charles


Air Transat hold the world record for gliding an Airbus full of passengers for around 30 mins, they ran out of fuel! :frowning: Fortunately there was a little island on their route over water which has a military airbase on it. Everyone survived however, the A340 wheel rims made a mess of the runway! Like a glider the Airbus has a high aspect ratio wing, they arrived high and had to burn off height with ‘S’ turns. Charles


Air Transat 236 was an Airbus 330-243 not an A340. Yeah it glided successfully.

I have definitely felt thermals and ridge lift in this sim.

Oh, I am getting old and my memory is fading! :smile: Cheers! Charles

Now that is encouraging. I hope you did not ‘feel them’ in the simulator, you might have sat on the cat! :sweat_smile: Charles

And a 737 that landed at a small field in Gimley Manitoba Canada after running out of fuel (mixup between kilograms/pounds of fuel I think). Glided her in… sweet!

There already is one - modified from FSX, it can be found here:
Air Creation Ultralight glider
It is easy to fly - but still has no cockpit showing up.

That’s not a glider. It’s got a big noisy fan at the back. :wink:

If anyone actually wants to do some no-engine flight, it is just about possible with some of the stock light aircraft. With a decent wind, you can ridge-soar at the Rock of Gibraltar with the engine turned off. As for how realistic this is, I don’t know.

Proper gliders will surely come, though the developers need to add features first to make them useable.

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You’d have to find like a really solid thermal for that one. Maybe like a volcano erupting or something?

Which reminds me, we need to add volcanoes erupting to the wishlist.

EDIT: Added to wishlist.