Before gliding I was enjoying the sim with loads of short GA flights (over 1500 flights averaging a bit over 10min each).
After discovering gliding, especially the wonderful world of multiplayer gliding:
Suddenly I never want to land and most of my flights are over an hour.
Yeah, glider flying is a completely other world.
Most of the “wanna-be” jet pilots will never understand why 
Much more relaxed and you have to work for every foot in height.
I got started in IRL aviation flying gliders (including flying my first solo at age 16), and they’ll always have a special place in my heart. There’s nothing quite like the sensation of soaring and the challenge of searching for that next thermal or riding along a ridge for lift. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the gliding experience in MSFS. 
Thanks for implementing and supporting it - it is a game changer.
Gliding teaches you to fly, to read the world, to get to know yourself and your airplane. Fuel system, FADEC, FMS, hydraulics etc, everything nice and well. But get to know you and your plane here at this place in the air, speed by ear, push for louder wind and bigger houses… only with a glider. I started flying in an ASK13 at 14 and I’m glad I did it this way.
That is a beautiful description!
Hi folks,
as Forrest would say:
Gliding is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get 
Gliding for me is not simply following a planned technical procedure, even though the technology in aircraft is very interesting. Today you can pack a lot of technology into a glider. All you really need as instruments is a twine and a variometer, like in the K7. In the flight simulator, the butt is turned off and the most noticeable thing about gliding is that you don’t feel anything. But the K7 is unsuitable for long distances. That’s why I like to fly with the LS8, but I also know all the others that are currently available for FS. What is important in gliding? The simulator must be able to reproduce air movements and flows accurately. This requires good software and high computing power. You have to be able to look around to get an overview of the landscape, especially in difficult flight phases at low altitudes. This is best done in VR. All these things were not possible a few years ago.
For me, the new possibilities in MSFS are awesome.
Flights of 2-3 or 4 hours are not uncommon. I have a destination, but mostly I don’t know the landscape, so I often plan the route while flying. I get into many difficult situations that have to be mastered, but I’m glad that in the end the responsibility in FS doesn’t exist. Concentration, precise steering and knowledge of air flows, e.g. in the mountains, the position of the sun, where heat builds up and rises, are then an advantage. Even if not everything works as well in FS as in real flying, simulated gliding is what challenges me the most and since the last sim updates I glide 95% of the time. Many thanks to the team for what they have done so far and what is to come. <3 <3 <3
Happy Gliding
TIP: The best way to learn how air and an aircraft move together is by gliding. Therefore, before you climb into a 747, start with the important things. also here in the flight simulator.
I am surprised that everything is the same as yours.
When the glider was first officially introduced to MSFS, I went through the whole training process. However, when I flew with Discovery Flight, I didn’t know how to gain altitude, and I thought it wasn’t fun, so I left it for a while.
But then I suddenly saw a glider video on Youtube and decided to give it another try.
I flew over the mountains to a distance where I could no longer hear the Discovery Flight music, and the thrill I felt when I was able to land at another airfield was something I had never experienced before.
The world of gliders in flight simulators is truly amazing, where beginners can fly as they wish, to places where they would normally have to repeat hours of basic training and receive instruction to be able to fly.
I too only fly in VR. I hardly fly jets anymore.