I tend to agree; now there is nothing in the files which can cause issues and they are extremely light yet the smallest tug in Rotterdam can pop… I think it is mostly a question of prioritization in the sim; out at sea it doesn’t happen.
And a bit more good news… Didier is still advancing with the effects We might start implementing already on the models we will be working on next weekend - that will most likely be navy ships.
Yesterday I flew over the harbor of Rotterdam and spotted some ships there. This made me wonder if we would get ships in the main rivers as well, once all conversion is done. Could you let me know?
Keep up the great work!
The traffic on Mississippi, Amazonas, Columbia River, Rio de la Plata, Panama Channel, the Great Lakes is there hidden under the water due to a bug in the sim making all water sim objects stick to ground level. As mentioned on the Lakes it can be fixed and I will most likely do this with a temporary package, which can be uninstalled the day Asobo corrects the bug - for the rivers it is more complicated but once I get time to do some geographic studies I think something can be worked out. Taking it to more rivers like e.g. the Rhein would require new models. so that is not immediately on the list.
Off topic, but can you tell me how to get Little Navmap to display ships? Tried the little button that seems to have that functionality but it didn’t do the trick.
Even if Asobo can always have a surprise or two there shouldn’t be any reason for it not to work unless a static ship has been placed where the ships dock in Hamburg or in the midle of the Elb - as mentioned above we did not in the first release of V2 include the full number of ships serving Northern Germany, so I think it should be quite okay. Anyway in case we need to we will move the routea and have it out over the weekend. I won’t be near the sim for the next couple of days due to work, but anyway it would just be a cosmetic issue for a moment.
After SU5 we announced that the quick fix with all models converted to native format would be ready mid September. The recent V2 was first part of that quick fix and we can now confirm; that we are already well ahead with updating the second batch of models, which will be added in GAIST MSFS V2.1. We might postpone some of the models to later as they date back from FS2004 and need some work to convert, but instead we will introduce some brand new models coming from several contributors including Martin, Manfred and well also undersigned.
As soon as the V2.1 is complete we will start adding effects and release dropwise. Didier has done a great job on this so we have effects available, but it will take time to add to all models, so we will do it drop wise starting with the models used the most in the project.
We will together with the V2.1 launch a separate pack bringing back life to the Great Lakes and the Panama Channel. That package will for now be stand alone, so it can be uninstalled when Asobo corrects the issue that all AI ships are put at Ocean level and not the level of lakes or rivers. If that doesn’t happen fast we might add a limited river traffic.
Next we will if there is sufficient interest launch a GAIST Ultra - that is using our model library to create and even more dense traffic including also intercontinental routes. It is quite simple and fast to do and will mean that you can vary your traffic intensity. Today GAIST provides only one level of traffic, but we can expand - we didn’t do it earlier due to limitations in the old simulators.
At some stage hard decks will be introduced but it depends on Asobo enabling it.
Please let me know if you see a need for the Ultra version; we will not do it unless there is a genuine wish for even more traffic. And remember with V2 we are only at “half speed” as only a bit more than half the models were released in the first batch…