GAIST Global AI Ship Traffic V5 and Great Lakes


Testing between Kiel and Rendsburg - water level in the channel is unfortunately a bit above what it should be so ships are deep in the water.


Nice one. Are you still in touch with the Dev’s? Seems like the elevation issues are not nearly on top of their priority list. Which is a bit unfortunate to say it frankly


laden vessels aside, it looks superb. Its interesting that with AI aircraft being fed from outside the sim and the sim live ai aircraft turned off, I find performance much better. Really looking forward to this one.
Great work Henrick :+1:

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I think this has been reported quite a few times, so honestly don’t believe I can do much more. @CasualClick any good ideas? We do have ships for Mississipi, Amazonas and other big rivers but to no use for the moment.

For many users I think the real time version will be a big plus on the performance side.

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i found both companies create perfect things and when i see that i immediately think about collaboration and merger
 as i can see now from su10 both addons works for me perfect. but i guess if you and seafront will do one work together
 i guess you both know what’s and who do better. and so you are together can create something grandiose.

Please do not refer to GAIST as a company
 we do this for fun with no economic gain in mind.

I am sure Seafront has also requested a fix for the altitude bug, but well, we might have to live with it for the time being as it happens to be a flight simulator and not a ship simulator despite our efforts

Ships moored off Kuwait


what’s will wrong if you will make some money together. i don’t push for it, i just see
 ok. no company in commerce sense. but you are company too:) i start talkin about, because i think this is for sure. you guys, and seafront can create two perfect stuff. but if you are together create one perfect stuff that’s will beyond of any estimates. even if you don’t need money for that in any way you can works with them for create something global together. it’s like pmdg collaborate with milviz and together they can become something like a2a lol
 may be not best example. i don’t know. other reason - you guys and seafront does tons of works and would be sad if people will use their stuff but not yours or opposite. as i said i use both without problems and my eyes enjoying a lot. but one collective thing can be unit of best stuff from both side
p.s. i don’t sure how it has to be called. but i think this is world simulator. flight simulators, car simulators, ship or train simulators i guess must go in past
 this is not question of today. but i think it’s good way to go, in any way, when i see how cool ships are looking at

I have no intentions to make this a company. As stated before I do this as a hobby to relax from a very busy life; modelling is a way to clean my brain after work or to kill time on an airplane as I travel a lot for business purposes. For years - all the way back to early FSX I have enjoyed the freeware creations of others and together with friends created freeware to be used by all. And so it will continue.

The partners to GAIST - even the professional ones like Fleetmon, DFDS and others have entered on this condition. Seafront has a different commercial philosophy and purpose. And maybe it is good to have separate projects so if one doesn’t perform - which could happen tomorrow if Asobo changes something fundamental - then the other still might work.


Some info on water depth on inland waterways.

  1. Do we know the actual water depth (delta) differences on those waterways?
  2. We know that ships have draughts: depending on the cargo and speed.
  3. The draughts can vary quite a bit depending on the size of the vessel: rough figures here from .5 m to 10 m.
  4. I was thinking : if we know that the Kiel canal water is at 2 meters higher than ‘normal’ we could actually ‘assign’ vessels to that difference and show them deep in the water like in your photos above. There is nothing wrong about a ship having a deep draft and having its freebord to minimum.
  5. However I don’t know how time consuming that would be.
    Does that make sense?

It is kind of what I did with the Great Lakes add-on. The problem is you can do that with ships placed on BGL based routes where the ships will only appear in that particular area. If you dig down into Great Lakes addon you will realize there is a model per lake as each lake is at a different height. But it will not work with the real time version as ships are going in and out of these areas like the Kieler Kanal, the Panama Channel, the Great Lakes or sailing up rivers where for every kilometer the water level raises
 The right solution is Asobo to define that an AI ship is shown on the mesh height of the water surface - it is the case already with the wake so it shouldn’t be that hard


aaaaaah. o.k.:slight_smile:

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Tks for the detailed answer Henrik.
Excellent work with the West Coast ferries.


Thanks. Does anyone have the current bug report? I’d like to check status and see where it is in the queue.

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and you will release an update which is not crashing the sim at loading time, when ? We are on 2.15 for several months now. Lovely models btw, looking fab ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great. Is it similar to what Seafront logged in a Bug Report here?

i guess it is the same issue.

Yes, it is the same.

AI ships always spawn at ocean level independently of the level of the real water surface and thereby the mesh’s height above the water surface.

Follow an AI ship up the Mississippi and you will see it disappear slowly into the water.

Or through the Panama Channel it will be submerged with masts sticking out

Obviously in the Great Lakes it will be far below the water surface if it wasn’t for me moving the center point of the models used in the Great Lakes addon 60-80 meters up


Okay - it may be best for everyone to vote in on Seafront’s bug report. I can then ask to see if Dev Team can review.