GMFO - Oujda Angad, Morocco ...soon in MSFS 2020

Hi everybody
i want to share my last work on GMFO airport (Morocco) …still needs some work…
i’ l post other videos later …( for night , weather changes, … )
Hopefully you enjoy it

GMFO - airport


Thats really good and detailed, cant wait for the release, very good job !!

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Thank you LTM3D

I started making lights …

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Great Work CreatureMonde82 Keep going. I’m glad some new people are on the job to make new morrocan airports !!

Wow… can’t wait!

Lah y 3awen khoya

EcrevisseRoue57 : Thank you , yes …there are many airports in Africa that needs to be built in MSFS…

tubkal19 : Thank you , yahafdek :+1:

I’m almost done with the terminal…but still to model the tower and some little stuffs …

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Last week before the release…
i have to setup the LODs …then same tiny tweaks…

Good news
Finally the GMFO airport will be available in Simmarket on Friday 16 February
Stay tuned

You can watch the video of final airport here