GNS 430/530 NAV2 page is using gyro heading instead of GPS track


GPS NAV2 subpage is incorrectly using aircraft gyro heading variable instead of GPS ground track to orient itself in flight. This causes “GPS Track UP” map mode to work as hypothetical Heading UP in the sim, which does not exist in the real unit. And in the “North Up” map mode, rotating compass card rotates aircraft symbol. Here’s an excerpt from a real Garmin GNS manual. Note that “DTK up” map mode does not exist in MSFS.

The GPS by itself can not determine aircraft heading. Some advanced installations in real life can use heading data from external sources to feed GPS with accurate data, but these are rare and certainly wouldn’t work that way in the simple GA aircraft equipped only with basic directional gyro, like the Cessna 172 or basic Diamond trainers. Since the simple directional gyros drift during the flight, this causes erratic display on the GNS units in the simulator.

NAV2 page should use GPS ground Track to display information on the map, not aircraft gyro heading.


Always. The issue happens in all aircraft equipped with Garmin GNS GPS’es.


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Load C172 classic gauges
  2. Takeoff
  3. Rotate heading compass card with the knob on the left. The aircraft symbol on the GPS NAV2 page will rotate (if map set to North Up) or the whole map will rotate (if set to Track Up)


Does not matter. No mods.


On the screenshot below I manually rotated the compass card to 180 degrees. Now the top GPS unit, set to TRK UP is showing aircraft moving south, while the numeric TRK value correctly shows 104 degrees (aircraft is moving east). The bottom GPS is set to North UP on the screenshot, and also incorrectly shows the aircraft pointing south.


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