GNS 530 &430 Range buttons do not function consistently


Description of the issue: After SU1 Beta installed Range control switches on the GNS530/430 no longer work. The screen remains zoomed in or out.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
C172, also the DA20

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
Yes no mods.


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Every time.


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Load the C172 or DA20 in Free Flight - any airport
  2. Try and adjust range on GPS 530/430


[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
Occurs with Dev mode on or off.
[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?

I have the MS Store version, an AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, 64GB DDR5 RAM, and a RTX4080 S, a 100GB/S internet connection and a Thrustmaster throttle and rudder pedals and a VKM NXT R Joystick.

Moved to Sim Update 1 Beta | MSFS 2024 since indicated issue started after SU1.
@MoriartyCat : could you confirm it was working prior SU1 upgrade ?

Could it be same issue than reported here ?: GNS 430 and 530 range controls are not consistent (new modular GPS 3D model)

Thanks, just noted that forum! Yes I recall I could zoom in and out prior. I don’t think its the same issue as the buttons do not work at all now.

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Also, just checked the Optica, and the GNS530 works fine on that. Go figure!

I’m not seeing the issue with the default 172. Both the 530 and 430 range buttons worked fine.
Unmodded PC/store version on SU1b2, with the standard 172 (i.e. not amphib/ski’s etc).
I’ll watch and see if it occurs to me at some point, but right now it seems to be working fine. The sim can be a real mystery at times!

On the web-sim 172, the range buttons work with independent mouse clicks - up-down. I tried to do this when I last player 2024, at Christmas and could not get that to work. Ended up asking a forum question, to see if they were broken. Someone told me I should be using the scroll wheel, like I was a bit thick, and that was always the case. So the scroll wheel worked, I am not in the beta. But would much prefer the independent up-down click.

Great, that works. Should have tried that but didn’t expect the same avionics in different aircraft the sim to have different control functions. E.g., The Optica uses a click button interface for this, whilst the 172 uses a scroll wheel. What a curve ball for users! I guess this is a result of using different developers aircraft in the sim. OK, so the issue is really inconsistent controls operation for the same avionics across aircraft.

Moved to User Support Hub since a solution has been marked and not SU1 related.