Description of the issue: After SU1 Beta installed Range control switches on the GNS530/430 no longer work. The screen remains zoomed in or out.
If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
C172, also the DA20
[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
Yes no mods.
How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Every time.
Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:
Load the C172 or DA20 in Free Flight - any airport
Try and adjust range on GPS 530/430
[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
Occurs with Dev mode on or off.
[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?
[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
I have the MS Store version, an AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D, 64GB DDR5 RAM, and a RTX4080 S, a 100GB/S internet connection and a Thrustmaster throttle and rudder pedals and a VKM NXT R Joystick.
I’m not seeing the issue with the default 172. Both the 530 and 430 range buttons worked fine.
Unmodded PC/store version on SU1b2, with the standard 172 (i.e. not amphib/ski’s etc).
I’ll watch and see if it occurs to me at some point, but right now it seems to be working fine. The sim can be a real mystery at times!
On the web-sim 172, the range buttons work with independent mouse clicks - up-down. I tried to do this when I last player 2024, at Christmas and could not get that to work. Ended up asking a forum question, to see if they were broken. Someone told me I should be using the scroll wheel, like I was a bit thick, and that was always the case. So the scroll wheel worked, I am not in the beta. But would much prefer the independent up-down click.
Great, that works. Should have tried that but didn’t expect the same avionics in different aircraft the sim to have different control functions. E.g., The Optica uses a click button interface for this, whilst the 172 uses a scroll wheel. What a curve ball for users! I guess this is a result of using different developers aircraft in the sim. OK, so the issue is really inconsistent controls operation for the same avionics across aircraft.