Best advice would be to try it out in Free Flight before buying.
My opinion - it’s a cool plane, I like underwing aspect, and speed brakes (like the Carenado Mooney). Flies nicely for me. And it’s quick.
Biggest downside for me is that the cabin feels cramped - hard to get a decent outside view.
Seems to be.
I have 9 planes (Zlin Nordern, Cubcrafters Cub, C208, Cabri, and 4 C172s) and flew for a couple of hours yesterday. Passive income this morning was about 335k with 2k insurance (I only ever have basic insurance since its workings are so opaque).
So that means a solid 7 hours day of flying should be worth about a million a day gross. Maintenance and washing the darnm things will eat into that of course.