Graphics on Xbox su15 drastically deteriorated

Of course, as an Xbox x user, I have had the same problem since su15. Support replied that I had to delete addons and reduce vehicle density. And a restart wouldn’t be bad. Incredible! If I delete and reduce everything, it’s no longer a simulation. There’s no way it can stay like this. Before SU15 everything was perfect for me.




Which airport is this? I usually fly airliners out of big airports and I haven’t seen anything that bad yet. Want to see if it’s a regional thing.

Ive been getting this alot and not just static scenery most players look like the low poly model aswell. Even when using low memory usage aircraft such as Asobo C152 and DCD F4 Phantom. The correct detail models only show when within a few feet, sometimes this happens with buildings too. I can be taxiing along and then “Argh” a building pops up out of no where.

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Hi, Have the same on the C172, when viewing from external on default zoom all interior has gone, seats, pilot and front panel, not until I zoom back in again the details pops back in. Also on my PA28R all gauges again from external view are see through. againg whn zoom in the come back


It’s Scampton (which pre SU15 looked fantastic).

The JU52, that’s not static…that’s actually a friend!! He’s maybe 100ft behind me if that, and that’s what he looks like.

All thanks to SU15.

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No only on XBOX, also on PC there is degraded quality, but it was started about SU10.


Series X just a little VFR flying in the basic default Cirrus SR22, around the East coast of UK it looks so rubbish, compared to what it used to look like, clouds were even poor with this banding in them.

Rolling cache off, all live services enabled.

I have not much desire to play this until it’s fixed?

It looks so ugly, what have you done!


Many folks blame Xbox for the PC degradation (not that you are). Hard to say but it’s still hard to make that connection. Generally doesn’t happen with other PC to console crossovers. I just remember when the sim first came out on Xbox I was amazed at the graphics, couldn’t believe it. Then a few WUs and SUs later it’s terrible (WU Oceania for me is when the switch flipped, not sure why). Before that I remember thinking it was a bit unrealistic how far I could see runways at night. Seemed like 40 miles away you could see the lights. Now it’s about 15 miles.

The graphics look horrible, super blurry, the textures in the airport are now garbage!

Playing on Xbox X, the entire game environment at 0 and still, it runs badly


Same here. Not sure if it had anything to do with that 500mg update but since then everything has gone downhill, again, and that’s even after the horrendous update 15. Can things get any worse.

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Since SU15, i had multiple issues. Mouse not working and LOD issues around 6nm out. Lots of pop in too. However after multiple restarts and ensuring i dont use quick resume, it does seem to have settled recently.

Also, i would like to say, the sim on xbox is still capable of looking just as beautiful as it did on SU14. Which to me means server / internet traffic impact perhaps? (By this i mean, ive seen it perform to previous levels with SU15, meaning th code itself must still be ok, unless its an intermittent bug)

Using PMDG 737 its better. With the Ini A320 V2 it seems worse.
Coming out of Innsbruck in the A320 soon after SU15 launch, you looked behind the plane in external view, and it was like Doom graphics.

However, like i say, the sim still seems to be able to acheive the previous performance. Flight from Santander to Birmingham last night in the PMDG 737, and it was gorgeous. 36,0000 and lod was sharp for miles out with loads of interesting weather too. (Sunset, clouds, bit o wind etc.)

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rolling cache off, live weather on, live traffic on, no addons removed. Addons = BHX, STN from ini, ATR72, PMDG 737-800, LVFR static traffic liveries.

Just to reiterate, I do still get the OP’s issue, but not as often, and not as bad as the first few weeks.

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Same here. It’s been okay-ish while flying around in a kitfox, commanche. Anything with a glass cockpit reduces texture quality to varying degrees- together with clouds, etc. I do hope this gets fixed

Thank you for this post. I was wondering in the DA42 thread about the hit this thing would cause on the XBOX, and now I know.

What I’m wondering though is, why is flying in a KitFox okay but not this? The KitFox is also glass cockpit, isn’t it? I wonder if different glass panels have different memory usage? I think on the last livestream they said glass cockpits cost 1 GB. I wonder if that’s all of them or it’s airliners and the rest scale down from there.

I have no idea regarding the kitfox, there must be other factors in play- textures, wasm…
The Sting S4 also causes a lot of blurry textures, especially if gtn750 version is used.

Yeah makes sense. I found that the 414 is bad for me, even though it only uses a GNS530. I wonder if it takes more memory to simulate two engines than one. I imagine it would, which might explain, for example, why I don’t really notice LOD problems with the Kodiak, even though it is glass.

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True! :heavy_check_mark: The Kodiak performs very well on xbox.

You know the GTN750 is available on Xbox for the c414 and the Learjet 35a right? Its been super smooth for me.

I did try the 750 but was so busy with the 750 itself I didn’t notice if my LOD was positively impacted. Will try again, thanks for the tip!

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This isn’t scientific or anything, but I found it interesting and thought I’d share.

I went out for a few flights tonight using the same settings (time/weather/traffic) at the same real world time (all flights were within maybe 10 minutes of each other) to reduce the chance of the servers getting better or worse. I took off from a Boundary Bay airport (CZBB) and made a right turn towards downtown Vancouver, crossing the south arm of the Fraser river at around 1800 feet.

In the Cessna 152, you can see the skyline of downtown Vancouver clearly.

In the Cessna 414, everything from the north arm of the Fraser forward is one flat texture with no trees or buildings on it.

In the Comanche, there’s trees all the way to where downtown Vancouver would be, but no skyline (it popped in about 2-3 seconds after this picture).

The Kitfox was about where the Comanche was, acceptable (to me) but not perfect.

Surprisingly, the Kodiak was about level with the stock Cessna 152.

Anyway, I thought it was kind of cool to see the dynamic LOD in action, and to see how the RAM requirements of different planes can cause a different graphical experience. I don’t really know how to get an airliner off the ground, but if I ever figure that out it might be interesting to do the same thing with a A320 V2 or something, assuming CZBB is big enough to accommodate it.