Greenland terrain

i departed from greenland and this what i saw, not sure whether this is bug or as intended

this i think was at flight level 270

I was told on Discord that the topographical data of Greenland just isn’t very good when I posted these:

Yes Greenland is a HOTMESS!!! I flew over and ran into a spike glacier wall that was over 13k feet tall. I was in a C172 , not very fun. Had to restart flight :frowning:

edit; Don’t fly over Greenland in a small plane, 7500 alt is not enough :stuck_out_tongue:

But Iceland on the other Hand is pretty awesome

Haha just approaching Greenland’s east coast right now ferrying a Baron 58 across to the States. I’m at FL180 en route to Nuuk so I’ll keep a look out but should hopefully be ok!

Yeah , where I saw the biggest issues was going direct from Nuuk - BKK , Kulusuk Greenland . West to East across Greenland . It gets nasty about half-way.


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I opened a ticket about the missing airport BGBW (Narsarsuaq) and received a very general reply today that they’re going to be focusing on different parts of the world one at a time over the coming months. I have a feeling Greenland won’t be top priority, but it’s something.

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Yeah ojhwel that was what I was thinking they would do. Only reason I didn’t report it myself. I do have a running list though of scenery issues, once I am done with my rtw trip going to just make one detailed report.

You have to realize thst most northern parts of the world have low quality satellite imagery. Microsoft cant do much about it.

There are, shall we say, slight differences depending on where one looks.

BGBW on Bing Maps:

BGBW on Google Maps:

Max. details on Google Maps:

To end on a positive note: Jörg Neumann said in the X-Box Podcast video that’s going around that during the summer, the northern hemisphere is being photographed like crazy (I’m paraphrasing) and that the data is currently “coming into Bing.” So I remain hopeful.

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Next weekend I’m going to do some comparisons with places like Greenland and Iceland between MSFS 2020 and P3D v.4 and 5 with ORBX add-ons.

Greenland don’t have forest ! Would be better to remove trees !

Great to see others are flying in Greenland. are only waiting for a better SDK, that allow us to make full custom scenery - this includes coastline and mesh. When this is possible we will make our FSX releases to this new version.