running at 4k 100% rendered and getting 24-31 fps
Just so everyone is aware, @Christiance5917 has uninstalled the sim and can provide no evidence to backup their statements
Not seeing any visual differences with those ‘Quality’ values being set beyond 3, which is the maximum value set by the simulator for Ultra.
ok, thanks! wasnt sure if the quality ones did change anything! but figured most values are good to 9 so figured I would check!
That sounds like a you issues, as in something with your system or a bug for you, because Tokyo is flipping gorgeous. Try rebuilding your rolling cache. That helps a lot of folks.
What’s the path to that usercfg.opt file? I’m not able to find it in my installation drive for the game
I used the above settings in the usercfg.opt file, but the game still looks terrible.
is it supposed to look this bad? some people i’ve asked said it is, but this is just terrible.
My LOD factor set at 4 already CTDs me when loading up in an airport…
Yes this is just terrible Now,
we cant do nothing, the patch has changed the game totaly.
thanks for breaking the simulator. Now graphically it looks like FSX. Thank you.
NIce downgrade Ultra settings 1080p
it is quite clear that the last update has caused the problem, i cannot get normal looking mountains and barcelona looks like fsx is it possible to remove the last update?
I also noticed that my settings had been changed after the last japan update
I also notice that i can no longer get into marketplace so what does one do to get MSFS to allow access to the internet it says that i am online on the top right but something in the sim is stopping it from accessing the internet for photgrammetry
Buy some Powerline adapters they use your mains electrical wiring as a cable connection. I have been using them for over 10 years, very reliable and much better throughput and latency than Wi Fi.
MaxAnisotropy 16
Quality 7 (Quality should be 0 as this value is not adjustable - this is to the best of my knowledge)
SuperSampling 8 (1 = 2X2; 2 = 4X4; 3 = 6X6; 4 = 8X8 : 4 is the maximum value but at 8X8 SuperSampling you will see a reduction in performance), 2 is recommend for most high end PC’s
Terrain : LOD Factor 8.000000 (This value should never be set to more than 4 is most instances, 3 is a more common value and recommended for most setups, 8 is 1 shy of the highest available setting and the performance reduction will crush most high end PC’s)
ObjectLOD : LOD Factor 8.000000 (This value makes no difference above 2.000000, values beyond 2 will see no visual change and neither gain/lose performance)
Buildings 1 = on Buildings 0 = off (Quality 0 = Low; Quality 1 = Medium; Quality 2 = High End; Quality 3 = Ultra)
Vegetation Large defines tress, settings layout same as Buildings
Vegetation Small defines shrubs and grass, settings layout same as Buildings
TextureSynthesis : again quality settings as per Buildings, but this settings defines the quality of textures i.e. cockpit (excludes ground scenery textures)
- sharpen 0 under TextureSynthesis should not be there, sharpening is part of the post processes which should be left at 1 despite some setting this to 0, the quality variation is subtle but noticeable and a settings of 0 in no way affects the Anti Aliasing in game - unless this can be proven otherwise)
VectorDataTessellation : settings layout same as Buildings.
I hope the above helps to clarify what the settings do, I have attached my CFG file which I find to be the best settings visually (with least impact on FPS). Further improvements can be made to the sim by adjusting your Nvidia Control Panel settings and reverting to display driver 452.06 which hands down delivers the most fluid performance imo. Reshade is another application I use for post processing effects, I much prefer the sharpening tools within Reshade and NeoBloom which adds another level of immersion imho.
Version 66
Adapter “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER”
Monitor 0
Windowed 1
FullscreenBorderless 1
Resolution 2560 1440
FullScreenResolution 2560 1440
PrimaryScaling 1.100000
SecondaryScaling 1.000000
VSync 0
HDR10 1
PosX 1
PosY 0
Version 1.1.0
Preset Custom
MaxAnisotropy 16
Quality 0
SuperSampling 2
LoDFactor 4.000000
LoDFactor 2.000000
MaxSliceCount 4
Size 768
MaxDist 10000.000000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS0 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS1 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS2 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS3 0.100000
OmniContributionCullingThreshold 0.050000
Enabled 1
Size 1024
Enabled 1
Quality 3
FFTSize 512
Enabled 1
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Quality 0
Enabled 1
HalfRes 0
Quality 2
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Enabled 0
Quality 0
Enabled 1
Type 2
Quality 0
Enabled 1
Quality 0
Enabled 1
Quality 0
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Quality 3
Enabled 1
EyeAdaptation 1
ColorGrading 0
Sharpen 1
Fringe 1
LensDistortion 0
Dirt 1
LensFlare 1
FilmGrain 0
Vignette 1
LensBlurMultiplier 0.000000
FringeMultiplier 1.000000
Enabled 1
Quality 3
InstalledPackagesPath “G:\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020\Packages”
Sorry for the long post
That does look awful. Mine doesn’t look like that. Mine looks great!
No worries man, I just saw a difference and posted a bit early as I have been fiddling with the settings! I was just trying to see if bigger would make a difference! I saw a post saying most values could go upto 9 but as pointed out and researched not only by you but also by me it doesnt make a difference past certain numbers! Thanks for the clarification!
I changed my original post thanks for the heads up!
totally agree!
Asobo need to improve it a lot or fix…we want better scenery and realistic graphics, not downgraded graphics…
A few things to point out on the format of UserCfg.opt, I’ll comment in line here for the most part with the notes that I have.
Quality values range from 0 (Low) to 3 (Ultra) with the exception of Texture Resolution, which is backwards as you’ll see below.
Note: Some of the shader quality values are set with the initial Global Rendering Quality preset that you select and do not change even if you adjust other values, resulting in slightly varying configurations based on your starting profile. To ensure the best rendering quality I recommend starting with either Ultra or High and tuning the settings to taste, on lower performance systems start from Low or Medium instead.
Version 1.1.0
Preset Custom (Low, Medium, High, Ultra, Custom -- if this is not changed to "Custom" and changes are made below, they will be reset to the preset values when the game is loaded.)
MaxAnisotropy 16 - Anisotropic Filtering, Values: 0, 2, 4, 8, 16
Quality 1 - Texture Resolution, Values: 0: Ultra, 1: High, 2: Medium, 3: Low
SuperSampling 1 - Texture Supersampling - 0: off, 1: 2x2, 2: 4x4, 3: 6x6, 4: 8x8
LoDFactor 0.750000 - Terrain Level of Detail
LoDFactor 0.900000 - Objects Level of Detail
MaxSliceCount 4
Size 1024 - Shadow Maps, Values: 768 (Low), 1024 (Medium), 1536 (High), 2048 (Ultra)
MaxDist 10000.000000 - Maximum render distance for shadows?
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS0 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS1 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS2 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS3 0.100000
OmniContributionCullingThreshold 0.000000 - Distance at which shadows and objects are culled and appears to have an effect on terrain pop/fade-in. Values: 0.000000 (Ultra), 0.020000 (High), 0.030000 (Medium), 0.050000 (Low)
Enabled 1
Size 512 - Terrain Shadows: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048
Enabled 1
Quality 2 - Contact Shadows: Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
FFTSize 512 - Water Waves: 128 (Low), 256 (Medium), 512 (High)
Enabled 1
Quality 3 - Volumetric Clouds, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 3 - Light Shafts, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 3 - Light Shaft Shader Quality (Set via Global Rendering Preset), Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
HalfRes 0 - Use half-resolution textures for reflections (Not exposed via UI)
Quality 3 - Reflections, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Quality 3 - Windshield Effects: Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 1 - Ambient Occlusion: Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 3 - Super Sampling Shader Quality (Set via Global Rendering Preset)? Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Type 2 - Anti-aliasing type: 0: FXAA, 1: DLAA, 2: TAA
Quality 3 - Anti-aliasing quality (Set via Global Rendering Preset): Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 3 - Bloom Shader Quality (Set via Global Rendering Preset), Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 1 - Depth of Field, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 2 - Buildings, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 2 - Trees, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
Quality 3 - Grass and Bushes, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Quality 2 - Texture Synthesis, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra
Enabled 1
EyeAdaptation 1
ColorGrading 1
Sharpen 1
Fringe 1
LensDistortion 0
Dirt 1
LensFlare 0
FilmGrain 1
Vignette 1
LensBlurMultiplier 1.000000
FringeMultiplier 1.000000
Enabled 1
Quality 2 - Terrain Vector Data, Values: 0: Low, 1: Medium, 2: High, 3: Ultra