GSX Pro can't load up the services menu

Dear Members,

I have a problem with the GSX. When I load up at LHBP produced by LHSimulations, the latest version the GSX always ask me to select the parking position instead of ground services. I have a GSX profile installed for the scenery too. I search up the problem and I found similar topics but honestly I don’t understand what should I do with it. They say there is a scenery or something corrupting the GSX. It could be true because I also have the HungaryVFR installed. (excluding the LHBP airport made by HungaryVFR). They say the AFCAD reading data from another scenery instead of the LHSimulations scenery. I would try to find the corrupting scenery but I don’t know how to do so. Can somebody help me with this?

There are 2 pics:

Best regards,


You don’t get a services menu because it doesn’t recognize your position as at a parking location. Use the relocate aircraft option to place it at a recognized parking place. If GSX recognizes more than one airport scenery it will display that information on the top of the parking customization screen once you get to a parking place. Also… you didn’t say how you disabled the HungaryVFR LHBP, are you sure it is not being loaded and GSX is seeing it?

Thank you for your reply!

I’m quite sure about it because I didn’t move the LHBP Airport folder to the community folder. And if im right I belive that the gsx using the default scenery layout instead of the LHS.

“Relocate aircraft” option does not exists in the GSX menu.



FSDT has a GSX forum where you can get help from FSDT or the many other users.

If you select one of the gates it offers you then you should see relocate or move aircraft in the menu.

That’s normal, because it only appears in the Services menu, when you are parked, to move to a different position. But since you are not recognized as in a parking spot, so you get the Select parking menu instead, there’s no need for a relocate option there, since everything you do there is already a relocation.

Have you Disabled GSX replacement jetways there, which you are always supposed to do when you use a 3rd party airport ? If you don’t do that, you are inserting a parking conflict, because the GSX jetway replacement files are only meant to be used in default airports.

Page 7 of the GSX manual explains this in detail, why you need to do it, when, and why some airports needs to be added manually.

If that’s the case, make sure you go to the FSDT Installer to configure GSX. Make sure the SU10/12 Navdata API is enabled. Also make sure you click Exclude 3rd Party button to disable the GSX default jetways in 3rd party airports.