Since I’m still waiting to be unlocked in the FSDT forum, I’ll try my luck in other forums.
I bought GSX Pro yesterday and downloaded the installer which was sent to me by email from FSDT.
I installed the program, entered my code and downloaded GSX Pro. After that nothing happened. The program FSDT Live Updater shows me that my addon is active but under the link to “Couatl64_MSFS.exe” is nothing to find.
So I looked on the internet for a solution and was told to add a security exception in my antivirus program for the folders. I have also done this.
I also uninstalled the program completely, deleted all folders. Have then the Installerexe for the Live Update Tool as a security exception for my Micosoft Defender release.
So I installed everything again but no change: the shortcut still goes nowhere and I can’t get GSX to run.
Summarized again:
I have shared all folders in Windows Defender.
I have made a new installation of the program
I restarted my PC during all intermediate steps.
Maybe someone here has another idea? I am a bit at a loss …
Push the “Install” button and it will download GSX version 2.7.8, right now you only have the FSDT Installer/Updater installed. GSX will be installed as an addon in the FSDT Addon Manager folder for MSFS as a subfolder there and linked by the FSDT Installer/Updater to your MSFS community.
Hope this helps.
After installation, the GSX row will include buttons for the User Manual and Options. These are both important to become familiar with.
I can see it install into the AddonManager\MSFS\fsdt-gsx-pro\ folder then it disappears. I am also using Windows Security (aka Defender) and have not had to make an exception to allow GSX to work; however, I did NOT install the AddonManager into the Program Files (x86) because that can always create problems.
Since you haven’t made much progress, how about uninstalling the FSDT Universal Installer with Windows Apps then reinstall it but do not use a Program Files directory. I have Addon Manager on a separate drive but you could just use c:\FSDT and the home for it as well. I think the problem is with Windows UAC?
Time to ask for help in the FSDT Forum. I’m out of ideas. By any chance, does your system meet the GSX requirements for 10 GB free disk space and MSFS installed on a NTFS formatted drive? Do you have UAC turned off?
Yep, everything as required is available. The UAC is also turned off for me.
I still have not been unlocked for the forum. The problem which I have described here is according to the forum also often pushed on antivirus program. However, I have there already everything as required release.
Possibly I have overlooked something during the Deinstalltion? I have only used the normal uninstall exe and deleted the folders that are left.
I highly doubt it has anything to do with anti-virus software but I have a few questions for you:
What is the exact path of your Community Folder? The installer seems to think it is C:\MSFS\Community which is certainly possible but indicates you may have moved it. Are the official packages in C:\MSFS as well?
Is the drive with the Community Folder and with the Program files directory formated for NTFS?
How large is the C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\msfs\fsdreamteam-gsx-pro folder? Mine is about 6GB.
Do you see ANY fsdreamteam folders inside c:\msfs\community?
I suspect the Addon Manager is having trouble making the symbolic link to the community folder which could be caused by a number of things.
Did you move Addon Manager from C to D? Originally is was in Program Files. No matter.
With FS not running and as a temporary test ONLY I would try copying the GSX folders in D:\Addon Manager\MSFS to C:\MSFS\Community. This is likely 2 or 3 GSX folders. Then start FS and Couatl64 (manually) and see if you have the GSX toolbar icon. If that works, we can figure out why the linking is not working properly.
If it does not work, we should check if C:\MSFS\Community is really the active community directory. Do you have other addons in the community folder that work properly? If you look in C:\MSFS\Community you have folders for addons that you know are working?
Okay, I have now proceeded as follows: I downloaded the offline installer from the developers and got the coutl exe. I have, as suggested above, the two folders in the community folder of FS2020 moved. In FS I have the GSX button. I can also set GSX so far. However, it seems to me that the program has not really loaded all the functions. Or am I wrong there?