I recently purchased GSX Pro and for the life of me, cannot get it to work correctly with user created profiles.
I’ve corrected the afcad path and placed the profile in the appropriate folder and still no luck.
In addition to this, i’ve noticed that GSX Pro just doesn’t correct itselft when I attempt to remove third party airports from the exclusion list. Instead, the original jetways from the DLC still appear and are not replaced.
Repositioning the aircraft prior to the commencement of boarding is hit and miss as it doesn’t always put me at the correct chock point for my aircraft type. I’ve noticed as well that the gate numbers that appear in the world map seem to be different to those other people are using for the same airport with a profile, despite the same DLC.
I should mention as well that I have downloaded the airports through the Marketplace but not sure if this is relevant.
Any thoughts?