Guess where?

Might be a decoy. And yes, looks nothing like Whistler or Blackcomb.

Well, nobody messaged me so there’s no meta-game after all.

My day finishes rather earlier than most, there wasn’t a lot of time to get a suggestion in.

An Australian who’s familiar with Whistler… Who’d have guessed that’s a thing? (For those who don’t know Whistler, the place is full of Australians. Australia Day in January is probably the biggest party of the year there.)

I’m guessing the screenshot is somewhere in Australia or New Zealand. It’s the end of the winter down there. Maybe there’s still snow enough for skiing in places? (I’d guess something like Mt Kosciuszko, but it doesn’t look quite right.)

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You’re on the right track for sure. But not Kozi.

I should add that I had to manually set the snow on because the sim gets the seasons reversed. No snow in winter when there should be and snow in the middle of summer when it’s 20 degrees and there shouldn’t be.

We’re down to two countries which between them have so many ski resorts that you can count them on your fingers, remember to add snow in the sim. If you look at the pic you’ll notice something very unusual about this one.

Is this Mt Hotham, Victoria?


Yes it is. Unusual because it’s upside down, as in the village and road is at the top and so you ride down the slopes and catch the lift back up to the village. I don’t know of another ski resort like that. Don’t ride down the hill and miss last lift!

Both Hotham and Whistler are owned by Vail Resorts, although that’s not exactly uncommon these days.

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Arh, too late… well done !
I should have read the last posts before searching…

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I don’t usually try too hard because I don’t have any screenshots. I hardly ever have time to actually play the game and take some. I’ll have more time in the fall when the weather turns.

I was up there last summer, and something about the road layout looked familiar!

Here’s the next one. The airport is 3rd party.


Mae Hong Son Airport, Thailand?


I knew this one would be too easy. Yup you got it.
Awesome area if you ever manage to visit Thailand.


Yeah, without the 3rd party airport it would have been much more difficult.


San Juan / Dique Ullum, Argentina ?
Very nice picture, by the way… would deserve a loading screen !


That was quick. Yes, it‘s San Juan. Your turn.

I take most of my screenshots specially for this game and not during actual flights. It takes me 15-20 minutes to take 10 screenshots, which will last me for a few weeks/months. Might be an option for you as well.


I am running out of pics. Need to take new ones !
Next picture :


Red Rocks Park, Colorado


3 minutes to find… the shortest “guess where” picture lifetime !!!

your turn :wink:

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