Guide – How to configure Cockpit Views / Cameras using Custom Camera controller assignments

Sure, here are detailed steps of how to create a passenger view:

Note that you do it by editing the cameras.cfg which is a separate file for each airplane.
In the following steps, I’m doing it for Cessna Skyhawk G1000

Disclaimer: In the following steps, I’m doing a very minor change in a CFG file of the simulation but do this on your own risk.

  1. Run the simulator, load the Cessna G1000 airplane. Move the view point (using translate cockpit view keys) until you hit the invisible wall (just before the passengers area)

  2. Create a custom camera, for example under #0 slot, click CTRL+ALT+0

  3. close the simulator

  4. open the hard drive where you installed the game. In the windows search bar, search for cameras.cfg

  5. Important: copy the cameras.cfg file from the original sub-folder Asobo_C172sp_AS1000 to a safe location

  6. Edit the original cameras.cfg file (right click on the file, and select “Edit” to open the Notepad)
    Look for the camera you saved, in my case, it’s cameradefinition.9 with title=“0”

  7. Edit the file: replace last digit on the right in the lines that starts with InitialXyz (for example making it -6)

  8. Open the simulator and load the airplane Cessna 172 G1000 again

  9. Click the key you have assigned for custom Camera #0 (for example numpad button 0 in my configuration)

    • As you can see in the screenshots below, I’m outside the airplane (crossed the invisible walls).

    then moving the viewpoint around to get closer to airplanes

  10. Move the viewpoint using translate buttons to enter into the passengers area

  11. After arriving to the desired location, click CTRL+ALT+0 again to set the new custom camera

  12. Use the passenger custom camera as normal. Click the shortcut to get it (in my configuration is numpad 0). Ofcourse during flight you can always use the hat switch to fine tune it (look around) as normal

Finally, I should give credit to AcktuNasrabi who gave me the idea of how to cross the invisible walls to create the passenger view.

Have fun