Gyrocopters Not Yet Represented in MSFS?

Having watched a number of seductive YouTubes on recent developments in gyrocopters in real life, I find it a great shame that BlueMesh found him(her?)self without the resources needed to complete the gyrocopter started for MSFS. I do hope that somewhere in the ranks of the talented contributors to the simulation, there will be someone who has the interest, time and expertise to add an example of this aircraft type to the MSFS hangar.

Of course if there is one already out there somewhere that I have failed to spot, perhaps one of you could point me at it.

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One was announced ages ago but now you come to mention it I haven’t heard a thing about it since.

There are 2 out there that I know of at the moment.
Flight models are far from realistc, but still fun to buzz around in…
Which is kind of the point of Gyrocopter IRL anyway! LOL!

Not sure if you’ve already found these…but here are some links anyway!

A freeware 007 Little Nellie is availabe on

And Rara-Avis has released the payware Bulldog Autogyro…Kinda feels like a biplane to fly,
But I think that’s mainly because of the cockpit setup:

Anyway, Maybe these are helpful for you!!



The late, great Ken Wallace flying one of his creations. He was 94 years old when this was filmed…