I wish there were some GA airports with open hangars with parking spaces inside them facing out so I could start cold and dark in a hangar and taxi out without need for pushback.
Are there any airports like that?
I wish there were some GA airports with open hangars with parking spaces inside them facing out so I could start cold and dark in a hangar and taxi out without need for pushback.
Are there any airports like that?
Almost all third party airports have open hangars that you can utilize.
These are just 3 quick ones I had on hand that I’ve used.
I have lots of free and paid airports but I’ve only seen a few with open hangars and hardly any that have a parking spot in them facing out so I can spawn there cold and dark and taxi from there without need for pushback or driving through walls.
Can you name a few that do have that?
But in real life you dont start a plane in the hanger, you pull it out of the hanger, and then proceed with your startup.
You never start a plane in the hangar.
My local airport I created with the help from two others has multiple open hangars. Only 1 has a spawn directly inside of it though. You can download it here. Its completely free. KMQS - Chester County G.O. Carlson Airport » Microsoft Flight Simulator
Thanks everyone! I get it, not realistic to start the engine inside.
Well … more along the lines of not safe. You push the aircraft out by hand or use a mini tug. You would normally also shutdown first and push it back in when parking.
Or be like Mike Patey, swing the tail around, and reverse it in.
Well, guess the pushback needs a pushfront function now? (or was there already such a thing?)
You can specify forwards or backwards with toolbar pushback.
Yeah, it would still be nice to spawn into a hangar like I own the place, then slew forward or initiate push forward out of the hangar before doing the startup.
The photo above with my CJ4 parked in the hangar is from
You can spawn into that one.
Hi All
I’m sure if I remember correctly in FSX and using Air Hauler add on I was able to specify that I re spawned exactly where I left my aircraft and i was able albeit not correct procedure to park my aircraft into a hangar and quit FSX and startup next day from the same spot.
Not sure that is possible with MSFS 2020
Pretty sure if you save .flt in a hanger it will load from there.
South Oak Co’s Port Allen in Hawaii is one of my favorite hangar parking spaces for GA aircraft.
You can spawn into the hangar… I think it’s called “Dock 1” when selected on the world map.
How do you find their airports? I haven’t bought one personally but from the photos they look very, almost like a Lego movie scene.
I own all South Oak Co’s airports available in the marketplace.
I got them when they were on sale. Not sure I’d pay full price for all of them now, but I do think Port Allen was worth it for the hangar. It my personal airport
Anyway, I actually think their most “feature rich” airport is Lanai (PLNY). It has some animation and is the “biggest” airport they made (but no hangar there).