Has anyone created a "world map" of the starred airports and POI's outside of the sim?

Would love to have a map to refer to in a web browser or something once you’re in the sim and want to find additional starred airports and POI’s. Imagine an mobile app from MS/Asobo that gave you the World Map access while you were flying!

I wonder if someone has created a custom “overlay” for google maps or whatever those are called.

This is the best list I’ve found so far:

I’ve been using these:

And this in Little Navmap:


Hello there, Thank you for your post! Your topic has been moved to Menu’s & Activities, a subcategory of General Discussion & Community Support. The General Discussion category is meant for discussions that fall outside of our other sub-categories.

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Awesome, thank you very much! :clap::clap:

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FStarter has all MSFS POIs and airports +++++

I came across this topic when trying to reconcile my pilot profile with the list of starred airports

My pilot profile currently says I have landed at 18.00 different “star airports”, and the SIDs and STARs achievement says I am at 72/100 (which is the same as 18 of the 25 required landings).

What’s confused me is that I know I have not landed at 18 of the hand-crafted airports, even including the ones from various Sim Updates, World Updates, or City Updates.

Then I noticed that two of the airports I visited recently are shown on the World Map with stars, but don’t appear on any list of hand-crafted airports I’ve seen (including the Map linked above). Those are SCVH (near Santiago, Chile) and SAWH (Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina).

SCVH actually looks like it was hand-crafted as part of the 40th Anniversary edition, but doesn’t show up on lists because it was considered a “glider airport”.

It also happens that I had installed a very nice update of SAWH from flightsim.to, so I’m curious if there is something about that package that added the star. However, two other airports that I did update (SFAL and SCBA) do not appear on the World Map with stars.