Having to do a full download for latest update after windows 11

I’ve seen some of the other threads that talk about pointing the updater to the correct install path….but mine has never changed and I’ve been running this sim since the first betas. What IS different this time around is between the September update and this latest update, I upgraded to Windows 11. This latest update is causing me to have to do an 84GB update! On a 10mb connection! I literally took my computer to work where I have a good internet connection so I don’t have to wait 5 days to update.

I looked at the config file and it appears to be pointing to the right place. I mean the packages folder is not empty and it’s where I expected it to be.

Am I to assume that I’m going to have two installs now? I have played the sim several times since Windows 11 upgrade so it was working fine prior to this update so I’m not quite sure why it feels the need to do a full download.

Anyone have any insight as to why it thinks it needs to do a full download again?

the best option is just just re-point the installer to the folder even if it’s the same place JIC.

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Yes, use the ‘Browse’ button to select the folder that contains the “Official”, and “Community” folders.

Ok that’s what I did but still 84GB. However, I didn’t do that until after I had already started the update and read a few threads about it so might have been too late. After I read the threads I stopped the update and then went back into it and started it again. Oh well I’ll just let it finish what it’s doing and see how it goes.


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