Absolutely brilliant aircraft. Quick question: read the manual etc and no luck on TACAN bearing in HSI. DME works fine. I am in NAV mode, TACAN set, TACAN selected (green light) on toggle switch (ILS/TACAN toggle) dial TACAN channel in, for example ch 39 (039) for EGUL, in X mode, getting DME but no bearing. I’ve tried several different airfield TACANs and get no movement on green bearing pointer. Any thoughts/guidance?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry already answered by Just Flight:

Our Hawk T1 is equipped with a TACAN receiver which can be used to tune either TACAN or VOR/DME stations. Bearing and distance information is then displayed on the HSI.

Unfortunately we can’t get around the current MSFS limitation which causes TACANs to provide only distance information so we’ll need to wait for Asobo to fix that. In the meantime you’ll get distance information for TACANs and distance/bearing information for VOR/DMEs.

Martyn - Just Flight

Apparently they did get around the limitation, see the release notes for version 1.1:

Green HSI arrow will now indicate bearing to TACANs (custom logic added to work around MSFS limitation)

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