Oh, cool then. Do you have to enable it? Pretty sure I have the latest version but test video I made has all washed out colours.
You may have to explicitly set the colorspace or enable the tone-mapping through the advanced settings – I’ll check my settings when I get back to that machine and see which bits exactly.
To save as an HDR video you would want to make sure it’s in 10-bit BT2100 or Rec2100 [fixed] (these names are interchangeably used, I forget which is here), but it should also have an option to tone-map into 8-bit BT709 / Rec709 (regular HDTV-compatible color space). If it’s not correctly configured then you can get that washed-out look, where it’s interpreting the raw pixel data wrong.
Ok, got my settings up – this is for recording to an HDR file (which can then processed further with ffmpeg or other tools)
[before I post this I’m going to double-check that the files work as expected direct] – note that YouTube doesn’t seem to like these files for some reason, I’m not sure yet why. They play fine in Windows and can be tone-mapped manually as I’ve been doing… sigh I’ll try to investigate this in a bit.
Here’s the ‘Output’ and ‘Advanced’ pages from my OBS settings:
- HDR wants 10-bit output, which takes more space than 8-bit, so using h265 / HEVC encoding is gonna save you some bandwidth/upload time.
- I use a really high resolution/fps/bandwidth and process them offline hence the 75 megabits – set appropriately for your files
- Use a 10-bit color format, P010 seems to work but I’m not an expert on the variants there
- Color space must be “Rec. 2100 (PQ)” to be properly marked as HDR
- I left SDR White Level at 300 nits, this is probably ok
- HDR peak level will affect how playback handles very bright colors – I set it to the max of 10,000 because MSFS will indeed render bright sun reflections that might.
If you set it too low you may find that some bright areas of the picture blow out a little. 1000 is often not unreasonable but MSFS will ram daylight areas right up against that limit.
Sigh. Ok a quick test uploading the .mkv straight to YouTube shows it misrendering still, even though it plays perfectly locally in Windows.
Haha! I love dealing with video encodings.
Thank you kindly for digging in to that for me!
It’s a minefield of configuration options lol
I just made a little test but the quality is too low and it’s not as smooth as before so I need to try some more things. I think this works for accurate(er) colour though with the settings you showed, so thanks!
I think 4800 Kbps I used here (VBR) is way too low but not sure what I need. Fearing going higher, the frame rate will drop even more!
EDIT: Ah, no, actually when I play it back from YT, it is still washed out but looks OK playing the file in the default windows viewer. I went straight to mp4 with the recording. Bit lost now
Yeah I even tried using YouTube’s metadata editor tool and the file I’m saving looks correct. I don’t know if the documentation is missing something or they’ve had a regression on YouTube’s ability to handle that input…
Why is everything so complicated with computers these days?! AI to the rescue lol
Actually compared to DOS or starting your PDP8 by entering binary on toggle switches and then submitting your programs on punch cards - it really is not
heheh, well then to put it another way, there are too many variables and options now. I think.