Is there any way to increase the passenger number in flight planning, past 290?
When planning a flight in Simbrief, invariably the psgr total in the generated flight plan is more than 290 which appears to be the maximum allowable after FP is imported.
Are you using the latest Simbrief profile for Headwind? I’ve never noticed any passenger mismatch, and the profile allows up to 436 passengers.
In my Fleet aircraft details, the max psgrs is listed as 335, but at WB calculation, it shows max psgr count at only 290. BTW, how do I post a screenshot on here, can send you a pic.
I don’t subscribe to Navigraph but get the free Simbrief, maybe this is a reason?
No. The airframe should work regardless.
I’m not an expert here, but it’s possible the mod is expecting specific settings in the airframe when importing the Simbrief plan, so try this specific airframe and see if it works for you. I forget where I got it. Probably on their Discord server .
I copied your airframe details and loaded a flight, but same result, when selecting SEND for WB, the max psgr count shows 290, even though the nominated psgr total in the airframe specs was 435.
Thanks for your assistance, maybe someone will have the answer.
This is on the EFB screen?
I did a long haul flight a few days ago with a nearly full plane and don’t recall any discrepancy. I’ll pay more attention next time, although the CTD I got the exact moment the wheels touched down after a 10.5 hour flight doesn’t motivate me to try again soon
No, on the MCDU. From MCDU menu, ATSU, then AOC MENU, then W/B, then START.
If the psgr total on the generated Simbrief flight plan is more than 290 ( which it generally is), the maximum psgr total shows as only 290 once you select START.
Hope this explains where I am coming from.
Yes I think it helps.
Are you using the latest version of the plane? 0.3.1 I think.
All weight/balance, fuel, and passengers are managed in the EFB now, just like the FlyByWire A320. Don’t use the MCDU.
That was the problem, thanks for your tip.
I normally receive advice when there is an update, and didn’t realise there was one.
All good now, happy flying!