Headwind A330-900neo flight plan fail

Hello, I have a problem with the flight plans with the headwind a330-900, when I import them from the .pln file from simBrief it does not recognize anything, it simply follows an endless straight line, it can be seen in the first image, it can also be seen that the vfr map does detect the flight plan but the plane does not. The following 2 images are with a flight plan made from MFS2020 and the autopilot recognizes only the departure and approach segment, then it continues again and an endless straight line, it is also seen that the original plan leaves on the plane but with broken lines but does not follow it. Can someone help me solve it? I am a beginner but I have flown other planes like the a320FBW, a330-300 or the B737 and I have never had problems like this.

It would be helpful if you showed the flight plan in the MCDU. I’m just guessing that the plan is loaded into the sim (which is why the VFR map shows it), but not loaded into the plane (which is why the navigation display is incomplete).

Are you importing the Simbrief flight plan from the EFB? Planning the flight from the World Map isn’t recommended, and if you check the FBW documentation it will walk you through importing the plan from the EFB.

You should also check what your fight plan sync settings are in the EFB. The FBW documentation explains these options as well.

I have imported the flight from the EFB too but it remains the same.

I just had EXACTLY the same problem as you described. Was a solution/fix ever found?


same here. any update?

Try this