The B47g-21 is under aircraft in my library rather than helicopters.
when selecting this aircraft to fly the simulator automatically brings up the standard controls for airplanes rather than helicopters - impossible to fly as none of the heilo controls are available - should be an easy fix - just move it from the aircraft category to the helicopter category where it was placed when it was ported from MSFS 2020 to MSFS 2024.
Having the heilo misclassified as above will cause it to bounch around and crash
I have the same problem with the jet exec heli… classified as an airplane and has rudder controls binded instead of tail rotor… and since it’s classified as an airplane you don’t have the option
In 2024 to access and bind all the controls to anything you want so it’s unusable…right now if it’s classified an airplane you can only access the airplane controls… if it’s classified heli same thing only heli controls are available… im lost
I’m not a helo pilot but was looking forward to using helos to get up close to the scenery in 2024. Over the last several days have not only found my bug report above but have also noticed that the governors on all helos tested are off at startup - the fix is to bind a button to governor on and off setting but took a while to figure out what was going on. Also tried flying the Sikorski chinook that was ported form 2020 - never seen a bug like this before - the clam shell engine doors were open and can’t be closed with the cockpit switch or even changing to the legacy flight model - all of the other chinooks on the ramp also had open clam shell doors.
While the scenery is a big plus in 2024, it is not consistent - the water looks like it is covered by small ice burgs in Pearl Harbor and if you get close to the surface it appears that the bottom is coral with the water about a foot deep - the ships at anchor are poorly rendered if at all and overall it is a step back from 2020. Several 3rd party add on’s ported from 2020 crash the sim when they are activated like “MASH” and “Vessels, the Hawaiian islands”. At least there is a safe mot startup that you can use to deinstall the apps.
Sorry for the late reply but yes the chinook is in one of the microsoft pack that transfered over from 2020 to 2024 but the flight characteristics are much different in 2024 and not easy to fly - was much more stable in 2020
None of the transferred helis are… I have all of the Cowan sim helis and they are very strange to fly and the collective levers don’t even move up or down in the cockpit… I’m hoping this is all because they are currently just streamed and when we can install them properly they will work… like you said flight models are wayyyy off.