I’m not at home so can’t take any screen shoots, but found this post which kind of touches my issue.
I’ve read in bit on the mli and it seems the blue needle which I called the requested should only be visible in start mode… However I see it all the time which seems incorrect.
The blue needle is the throttle position during startup.
Since it’s displayed all the time in the sim I guess it’s the governor increasing the throttle as I move the collective up.
The other needle which I called current seem to be a calculated percentage of available power. This is the one I thought was the collective current position but is perhaps more of a indication how much power is available from the engine.
I.e moving the collective up forces more power from the engine to not loose rpm, therefore this needle will move up towards 100% before the rpm starts to drop.
Similarly pressing the right rudder pedal will also require more power from the engine with the result that the pwr needle moving up…
I mistakenly believed this was the collective position but is just an indication of available power left from the engine…