There is an issue with the power set according to the MLI and the corresponding rotor droop when pulling too much collective.
In the screenshot you can see the NR decaying into the lower yellow arc, while the MLI still only reads 77% in FLO mode. The power should not run out below 100% and the governor should keep the NR up until the throttle is fully open and the engine produces maximum power.
I presume there is an issue with the MLI power indication, since the throttle seems to be fully open at 77%, which should definitely not be the case.
Also I found it impossible to pull more than about 83% with full collective up, which doesn’t make any sense.
There also is a somewhat related issue with the throttle position indicator.
In the real life aircraft, the throttle position (blue arrow on the MLI) is only displayed on the EPM during ‘start mode’, in the sim it is always displayed in flight, which I find quite distracting.
The real behaviour should be as stated in the operating handbook:
This is the real life behavior as density altitude increases:
In PWR mode the 100% mark on the MLI corresponds to 119 kW (160 hp) of power for the 5 minute takeoff rating (limited by the stress on the gearbox). - Should only be used below 30 kt IAS.
The lower end of the upper red arc indicates the maximum amount of power the engine can produce.
The lower end of the yellow arc corresponds to the maximum continuous power rating for the gearbox of 108 kW (145 hp).
When density altitude increases, the maximum engine power output reduces, the red arc travels down toward the 100% mark. When it first reaches the 100% mark, maximum engine output is equal to 119 kW (160 hp).
Now the mode changes from PWR to FLO mode, as the max. power output is no longer limited by the max. gearbox power rating.
For further increase in density altitude in FLO mode, the 100% mark now represents the maximum possible engine power output for the current density altitude.
The yellow arc now starts to move up until the maximum possible engine output is equal to 108 kW (145 hp) - The part of the yellow arc above 100% is colored red.
When all of the yellow arc is above 100% it is now impossible to over torque the gearbox.
When in FLO mode, power can be demanded from the engine until the power indicator hits 100%, when you then continue to pull collective, the indication will stay at 100% and the rotor RPM will start to decay. - More power demanded than power available.
Here are some pictures from the real MLI at different altitudes: