Well, the trim commands in the current MSFS helicopters are called:
SET Rotor lateral Trim
Decrease/increase Rotor Lateral Trim
SET Rotor Longitudinal Trim
Decrease/Increase Rotor Longitudinal trim
Rotor trim reset
I’ve never actually tried rudder trim in a helo, as usually when you pick up speed, the tail boom makes sure you dont sway in the wind much, but tail rotor controlling is crucial in the takeoff and landing speeds, as you’ll be balancing on a needlepoint to make it from drifting away from you.
basically just enter ROTOR into the search bar in controls, and all the possibilites pop up.
As for the twisting of your stick to at leat 60%, go into assists and turn the helicopter assists off… it feels like you’ve got them set to “give me all the help you can”… Go to assistance options->piloting and turn them off there. And walk through the other menu’s as well, to see what else you can find that you won’t/dont need… if you find flying too spectacular as of hitting Apply and save, turn 'm back on.
Before takeoff, i usually set most helicopters up by holding the lateral trim forwards for one second and the longitudinal trim also hold for one second forward… this makes for easier takeoff’s as usually, you’ll be pushing the stick forwards and to the left from center quite a lot… whilst also trying to hold the tail straight… this makes for a wealth of combinations of inputs from you, the pilot… setting the trim a bit more stable on forehand makes a job a bit easier… still complex, but easier.
Hope it helps, Good luck.
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I thought the lateral and longitudinal trim were for the cyclic? i’m looking for pedal/rudder/yaw trim as that’s needed to simulate pedal actions with a twist-grip stick (so you don’t have to keep it twisted the whole time while trying to do ground maneuvers).
As for the stick twist sensitivity issue, I have all assists turned off EXCEPT for the yaw assist, as I’m using that until I can find pedal trim commands.
in my other helo sim, DCS World, there is a force trim command that will trim out your cyclic and pedals with a click, allowing you to trim out your chopper to simulate how it actually works (non-spring-centered stick and pedals). I’ve been searching for a way to set this up in MSFS but not having any luck.
I haven’t seen a tail rotor trim yet but you can offset the yaw neutral using the yaw sensitivity curve. That’s how I deal with it in the hover using a TB F1 Flight Stick twist for yaw control. As mentioned above once you get above ~60kts the 407 and MD500 fly pretty straight.
Also, as mentioned above, you’re fighting the Yaw Assist. I found that it almost ignored inputs until about 60% and then suddenly started having a bigger effect. I find it much easier to control the yaw without the assist.
yes, that’s the exact behavior I’m experiencing! good to know i’m not going crazy.
I’m wondering if this is a bug as I can’t fathom how it’s supposed to be intended behavior. the issue with having yaw assist off is there’s no way to trim the yaw, so it’s a pain to have to hold the twist stick for all ground maneuvers.
I’ll need to look at the yaw curves and see if I can make it more realistic. do you have a suggestion on what the curve should be? i’ve not messed with those before in MSFS
Here are my sensitivity settings for the 407. I use them for the CS MD500E as well but they’re not fully dialled in.
From left to right:
Cyclic fore and aft
Cyclic lateral
If you make adjustments and you don’t like the results you can just hit “Reset”.
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