Helicopter cyclic trim function

Flying helicopters is incredibly awkward with regular PC joysticks because of the need for constant forward pressure, which gets worse with increasing speed. Not only is it physically uncomfortable, but I’m concerned of the effect that it will have on the hardware. While it’s possible to adjust spring tension on many sticks, doing so when frequently swapping between rotary and fixed wing is impractical.

It may not be a realstic function, but this could be completely alleviated by adding the ability to trim the cyclic on the y-axis. It’s exactly why trim exists on real fixed wing aircraft, and certainly also would on helicopters if they experienced the same change in back-pressure across different flight regimes.

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Already there, this will help on cyclic :


Awesome, thanks.

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Hi there,
As this is already there, I have moved this to Community Support.

How does this operate exactly? By “SET” does that mean press the assigned button while I am flying and then I can remove forward pressure?

To reset trim do you simply press the button again with the joystick neutral?

I made a small How-To on another page explaining the setup.


Also a nice video about Force Trim and how it related to joysticks because a joystick cannot simulate it perfectly as in the real world.


I just used the increase/decrease longitudinal trim mappings, which is exactly what i was after when starting the topic.

Works as expected although i wouldn’t describe it as ‘fine tuning’. The smallest increment is relatively large, just like the way trim works (not terribly well) for fixed wing aircraft in the sim.

Yes, the HAT switch assignment called “Beep Trim” is fine-tuning whereas the “Force Trim” is rough tuning if you can call it that.

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Can someone tell me why my button does not behave like this when pressed? I am trying to set the trim by holding “SET ROTOR LONGITUDINAL TRIM” but this button seems to work as if I was pressing it instead of holding it all the time.

The “SET ROTOR LONGITUDINAL TRIM” joystick assignment is misleading. Currently, it RESETS the Trim to the Center. I did file a bug.

If it is indeed the correct axis for the “Force Trim”, which we don’t know for sure yet, it should behave as you mention. It should be active for as long as you hold the button in.

Thanks, at least I’ll stop digging because I lost 2 hours yesterday looking for a solution…

hey guys, looking for a solution to this as well. i’m confused about the screenshot posted because the only commands @lynx33635 has mapped were rudder trim.

What’s the exact command called that will allow you to one-click press and trim the cyclic where you’re holding it?

Also, what are the pedal trim mappings called?

Wrong assumption ! Not watched the screenshot properly, the ones mentioned are the ones with green dots before …
Please watch the screenshot again :wink:

i looked at the screenshot properly. where is it mentioned anything about green dots in the post? the only actions mapped in the screenshot are rudder trim right and rudder trim left (which don’t work for me either).

in regarding to green dots, those are next to actions that aren’t mapped. but if they were, those actions reset trim on my end, which is the opposite of what I’m looking for. i think it might be a bug as the descriptions don’t match the actions.

i’ve yet to find a force trim action

Where as it been mentioned the reported trim actions should be already bind in the screenshot ?
I don’t use them myself in any case and the report was like below and nothing more, the green dots doesn’t exists in standard, I’ve added them to point out the suggested actions, otherwise is simple assumption :

“Already there, this will help on cyclic :”

Now the most important in all of this, to answer your initial question, is the need of trim lock already been mentioned in the forums, so we have to wait for it to be implemented

There is a force trim H event for the H145. It’s not one that gets a mention in the manual(s), but is mappable via SPAD etc. I’m not sure it’s necessary in the H145, which seems to hold its attitude without constant forward pressure (a function of its SEMA control, maybe?).

But not certain about for other helos

i did read about that back while it was in beta. i think i had some random action like engine 4 anti ice so it wouldn’t interfere with anything else. haven’t checked in latest version though