Helicopter spins on itself

Hi, basically when I use the helicopter or any vertical take-off vehicle, as soon as I take off it spins, I have a Hotas X, I also tried using the Xbox one controller but nothing, many people say that it is normal for it to do this, that I have to counteract the rudder but I can’t really understand, it doesn’t work with the Xbox one controller either, with flight sim 2020 this problem didn’t exist and I didn’t use any assistance, could someone help me? Thank you all so much! I’ll leave you the video below.

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Make sure you have your tail rotor axis mapped to the twist grip of your HOTAS. The helicopter’s use different settings than their fixed wing brothers/sisters. My helicopter settings were defaulting with “Rudder” not “Tail Rotor Axis.” Hope this helps. :crossed_fingers:t3:


ok, as you can see in the photo it is set, later when I’m home I’ll see better, but yesterday I changed all the settings and activated the assistance but it didn’t work, anyway I’ll try later, also because repeated it doesn’t work even on the xbox one controller, and a beginner who would like to use it obviously doesn’t know anything

Bummer! I was hoping that would have solved it. I’ll be in the sim to poke around in a few hours… I’ll see what I can find. I did notice with my little bit of time in the H125 it needed more pedal than I was used to in 2020, the R66 seemed about the same. (Of course these are the CowanSims in 2020, I know they will be behave differently from Asobo’s A-Star and Carendo’s Robbie)

This week we are all beginners again. Everyone is green again. We learn together.

Tagging @belatu42 for assistance, I know you have a full rig, but your insight for heli’s is always helpful.

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