Is there any helicopter (payware or freeware) with realistic fly behaviour like ring vortex state, emergency landing (autorotation) and working speed instrument below 20 Knots?
I am interested in the H145 from Hype. Does this heli have this realistic behaviour.
I have moved your post to Third Party Addon Discussion. Anything regarding third party helicopters belongs here, and not in Wishlist.
I believe Flyinside Bell 47 G might have all that. I don’t know how close to the real thing it is, but it’s certainly believable. Quite challenging in realistic mode, but that’s all the fun.
Best source of information for the H145, or its free counterparth the H135, is the developer’s Hyper Performance Groups Discord channel (link here ->) HYPE where you can ask pretty much every question about the product and they’ll answer almost immediately. There is also a frequently asked questions channel there.
RSP R44 on Flyinside 47 is good too
I’ve done a successful autorotation in the H145 and crashed due to ignoring ring vortex or proper counter action rather.
The bell 47G is what you want. Very easy to crash if you make a mistake. Ring Vortex is there and if you hover decend to fast, hard to recover from. Limited power (over work the engine and expect engine troubles). Requires use of their heli manager which comes with it (I think any helis right now require an addon for their dynamics and I don’t expect this to change until MSFS releases thier helicopter DLC sometime in 2022).
Try RotorSimPilot’s Robinson R44 from It’s free, uses the equally free AirlandFS external flight model (which simulates VRS), and the quality is, IMHO, on the same level as the payware Bell 47G and Airbus H145 (which I also fly a lot). Also have a look at RotorSimPilot’s YouTube channel, which is a great resource for helicopter pilots in MSFS.
How you have done it. When i shut of the engines via idle to off the heli stops immediately like flying against the wall, takes the nose down and crashes. Not very realistic.
To come into the ring vortex stat it takes a while. When you are hoovering and increase the sink rate to more than 1500 ft per minute, you have to wait a while until the heli comes in the ring vortex state. Until this moment you can recover the heli. Not very realistic either…
I tried to replicate it but i get the same results as you. So it must have been the H135 (i don’t use it anymore) or an earlier build of the 145. Autorotation is definately on the update list for the 145.
Imho the Airbus h145 is the best payware aircraft I have purchased in my 30+years of simming.
The Robinson r44 is also very good but they are two very, very different helicopters.
The h145 weighs 2.5 tonnes and are supported by all kinds of flight augmentation so the pilot does not have to work so hard where as the r44 is super lively and unstable and perhaps better suited to learn to fly helicopters.
R44 was better than I excepted, very good free heli. More stable, powerfull and bigger than Bell 47G.
I have not tested UH-60 yet but it uses AirlandFs too.