Ahh, i hadn’t considered you were flying with an Xbox controller. In that case it might be tricky to control. It was clearly designed with proper heli controls in mind. Even with a joystick i had to reduce the sensitivity by 50%, but then if felt fantastic. I wouldn’t even consider flying a decently simulated heli with a controller, it’s never going to feel right and has so little throw that i dont doubt it’s impossibly twitchy to control.
Their lack of skill has nothing to do with the heli I quite often do low level laps of racetracks in it, maintaining the track limits at all times. It’s perfectly capable of being flown as accurately as you like. (but probably not with a controller)
It needs work for sure, but it’s not so bad that everything fly’s completely unrealistically.
Quite frankly, I would be highly suspicious of any heli that fly’s perfectly on an Xbox/PS5 controller. So much fudging must be going on to to stabilize the thing to make it controllable. That in itself would be more unrealistic than any current flaws in the FM.
Apologies to the OP for dragging this thread off topic a bit.
I feel like it would make sense that if a developer’s average rating drops below a middle 2.5/5, the account must work hard and update their existing addons and reach a 3.0 user score before being allowed to submit more products.
That incentivizes developers to improve their products shortcomings before attempting to cash in on another half baked release. Make existing products better. If you search by user rating, there really only are one or two developers that are doing this while the majority hold above 3.0 averages.
This helps maintain marketplace integrity and consumer trust
First they need to have bigger pool of reviews submitted. With only 4 people reviewing it would be too easy for a competitor to buy the product and review-bomb it below 3 stars, blocking their competitor from uploading any products
Yeah, I considered how this could be exploited. I think would be fair to impose this after three product releases though. Considering the general time it takes a developer to release three aircraft of acceptable quality.
I reckon a friendlier and probably much easier / cheaper to implement and manage method — and more robust and “interesting”, would be for Microsoft to have an editor (just one internal person) that is in charge of scoping out the best products from reviews, feedback and general consensus even just on this very forum.
Then every week, they cycle in an editorial feature that takes pride of place on the store front page. Not just “best sellers” but hand picked selection with a different theme every week. A bit like the Steam sales that have a theme, or Apple do this too.
So one week would be the best 10 Biplanes, next week Stunt & Aerobatic planes, next week GA props, next week Military Jets, next week Helicopters, next week Old Warbirds etc etc. and just loop through this when you get to the end of the categories. Could even do 2 categories per week to have more diversity and get through the loop faster.
All dressed up with a nice cover shot and a list of the hand picked products with a little bit of flavour text written by the editor to “upsell” each one based on the favourable comments they found in the forums or YT reviews etc. Could even be “copy paste” someone’s one liner comment if it tells a good summary!
I bet plenty of volunteers would do that (I would!), MS would just need to make a slight design change on the front end of the store and their back end tools to manage it!
It’s fun, it’s controlled and it really pushes the best products. But they get control. They could feature new products that don’t have many reviews or the best of the last xx years. And when it loops around again there is chance to give other developers a chance in their category.
I feel sorry for the new simmers who may have bought this, and this is the purchase where they learn, the hard way, that in the flight sim world, which is so rewarding and full of great people and amazing things to learn, there are some that just want to steal your money.
I don’t buy anything under 4 stars. There shouldn’t be products in the market under 3 stars. Be nice if the rating drops below 3 stars they are put on probation. If the rating doesn’t go up they would be removed. I guess they could leave the lower rated stuff on Xbox, but for PC you would think there would be some minimal standards of functionality and texture quality.
it would be nice if the ratings were segregated by platform. i dont know if they are, or what it looks like for xbox users.
the reason is controllers matter: an xbox controller will never give the same level of control as an extended flightstick , rudder pedals, and dedicated collective, or a throttle and a well made helo simulator that performs well on PC controls will be a bad experience on a console controller. thats not the fault of the dev
separating the two also eliminates confusion when some people say something is absolute garbage& completely unflyable, while others are saying it flies great
Microsoft / Asobo quality control is poor. The products developed by “Rotorcraft” are below criticism. Rubbish. It has no place in the marketplace. It outrages me that such a product can appear on the market.
I’m furious. Still waiting for Cowan’s 500E, while MSCENERY released FIVE helicopters since the 500E was submitted to MS for testing and approval…almost a month ago.