Helicopters are bouncing and jumping around causing instant crashes

The exact same thing is happening to me with the Beta Update. I’m having the helicopter jump up and down, crash, and then I loose credits and reputation!

Funny how it says “You crashed your aircraft”. Yep. It was definitely you. :laughing: :man_facepalming:


Something that works is first fly a helicopter in free flight and then enter to career mode. That way it doesn’t jump like crazy.

I’ve been quite lucky with the Beta, since I opted in, I haven’t encountered the issue anymore.

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Anybody figure out how to stop the helicopter from bouncing around? I noticed if I am not in VR the helicopters will not bounce however soon as I switch it to VR it starts bouncing. I cant figure out if there is a culprit somewhere in the settings creating that.

This game sucks in career mode right now. I am crashing every single time I try to do a mission with my own company. Free flight is much better and doesn’t have as many issues but I cannot launch a single mission when flying my own aircraft/heli. Every time I launch a mission in the heli it throws the heli 100ft in the air and says I crashed the ■■■■ thing when I didn’t even have any control of the aircraft yet. My character didn’t even have time to walk up to the ■■■■ thing before I tweeted itself to space and then came crashing back down. THEY MUST REIMBURSE US FOR LOST CREDITS AND REP!!! Some of us have lost over hundreds of thousands of credits and rep went from A to F. This is absolutely ridiculous and I refuse to play the game until it is fixed. When any update comes out I fire up the game and test out the company missions. If the game f’s up I close it immediately and go fly on fs2020 or DCS

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Not only following the steps of OP, but took part in the Open Beta Update 1 and still happening there, as well as in current version, once I opted back out of Update 1 Open Beta, but also happens with regular career ‘Employee’ missions but also ‘Freelancer’ missions where on the skids the Helicopter will bounce like a ball, West Cost of the US. My Career reputation went down from 2 missions away from A to halfway through C as it happened on every new mission in my beginner Helicopter I bought or any for that sake. No matter what mission involves a Helicopter fails and I don’t want to play until Career mode is fixed.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• None to be able to show unless i tank my reputation from almost an A to halfway through C right now.


I have had the simulator installed since the day of launch, regardless of having to reinstall it 7 different times due to various software issues, etc. I have flown with, for the most part, success both in fre fly and career modes. I have experienced this issue in the past, and a reinstall fixed the issue. However, not this time. There is not one single aircraft usable at this point. Whether I am in a free flight or Career Mode, as soon as the aircraft I’m set to fly is visible, it begins jumping around and crashes.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:

All of them. Every last one!

My community folder is empty as this is once again, a fresh installation of the simulator


The simulator is absolutely worthless as this is happening on every aircraft in every situation. If I am able to get the aircraft to fly after the initial crash in a free flight, and I am able to land it, but as soon as the aircraft touches the ground, it becomes highly reactive and jumps off the ground.


I cannot fly any aircraft at all … so … is this just something I need to get a refund for after over two months of flying it without this as a consistent issue?

System Specs:
Windows 11
CPU: 4.4 GHz 16 Core/32Thread Ryzen Threadripper 2950X



:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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This is what happens when I load in to a free flight.

After I click on Ready to fly, the H125 jumps off the ground, crashes, and it turns to night.

Then this is the view out of the cockpit…

If I am able to regain control, as soon as I land, it turns into a spring loaded waste of money


As a follow up I’m still having this issue while running the latest Beta but during the developer stream yesterday it was indicated that this is fixed.


The helicopter crashed after a series of jumps, failing the mission and dropping my reputation to a C. Sigh.

Hello, same here, the helicopters are jumping in the hangar and if i start the mission, i get an immidiatly crash of the heli and also the error code 307-400-00201. then my reputatoin drops like hell. that happens only to the helicopters. and til 3rd of february all was ok. it started the day after with the bouncing. so this problem is back.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• its also happened in xbox version, it caused me hand off from all helicopters missions

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• cant upload new attachment as a new users

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EDIT: Sorry for failing to see this as a repeat report.

Only AFTER starting a helicopter Ag business (more specifically: MOVING the helicopter to a new location) the helicopter bounces out of the hangar and then bounces to a crash at mission start. Problem goes away when helicopter is sold! EDIT: Not true. Worked the first time but not on subsequent missions.

Description of the issue:

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?


Every time, Freelance or Employee until helicopter is sold. EDIT: again not true. Others report aircraft must be moved but I haven’t tried that yet.


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Start an Ag Company
  2. Buy a H125 and place it somewhere
  3. Fly an Ag Mission then fly again from the same location.

Doesnt work for me :frowning:

The other day I tried starting a helicopter flight in Free Flight at a New York heliport. Before I could even click the button to start the flight the H125 jumped into the East River, nose first. It looked pretty funny and could be recovered with the Slew mode, but it wasn’t ideal. :grin:

That makes sense now, my issues started when I created my S&R Company as well. No issues previously in the freelance mode till I did this.

I had the Ag way before S&R and I didn’t have the issue at the beginning. I can’t remember when it started but now, I think it’s been almost a week without encountering it. To me it’s been fixed in the beta.

Same issue, started after I created my own SAR company and bought my own helicopter. No issues whatso ever before that.

This seems to be a workaround for me. Map your throttle or collective so only the upper half of the axis is used. So the full motion of your controller, will only use the upper half of the axis.

Im guessing the lower half of the axis goes into a negative pitch, making the helis bounce around.

Running the beta, btw.


Edit: ■■■■ poor workaround, the heli still bounces around during the loading screen with the engine off.